Идиомы на букву H

  • have one's head in the clouds
    мечтать, "витать в облаках"
    Julia has her head in the clouds and doesn't care about anything.
  • heart is in the right place
    быть добрым, отзывчивым
    Julia might be tough sometimes, but her heart is in the right place.
  • have (someone) over
    пригласить кого-либо к себе
    They planned to have their friends over for the week end.
  • have (something) in store for (someone)
    предназначаться для кого-либо, ожидать кого-либо в будущем
    If Tim has got good education, he may have happy life in store for him.
  • have a yellow streak
    быть трусливым
    The young man looks strong and healthy, but has a yellow streak and I don't advise you to rely on him.
  • have a good mind to (do something)
    очень хотеть сделать что-либо
    I have a good mind to tell my friend about his behavior.
  • hit the nail on the head
    правильно угадать, попасть в точку
    Julian hit the nail on the head when he reported the problems to the bank manager.
  • have one's back to the wall
    попасть в трудную ситуацию, занять оборонительную позицию; "быть припёртым к стене"
    He had his back to the wall because he was being blackmailed.
  • have (something) on the brain
    быть одержимым чем-либо
    Mike has only football on the brain.
  • have a brainwave
    блестящая идея (пришла в голову)
    I didn't know what to do about my research and then all of a sudden I had a brainwave and now I know what to do.
  • hundred and one
    очень много
    Viola can think of a hundred and one reasons when she does not want to date George.
  • have butterflies in one's stomach
    чувствовать страх или внутреннее беспокойство
    I had butterflies in my stomach while waiting for the results of the test.
  • have the gift of the gab
    иметь дар красноречия
    My sister has the gift of the gab and is able to talk to others easily.
  • hit the hay
    идти спать, "отправиться на боковую"
    "I haven't the slightest intention of coming. I am tired out and I am going to hit the hay."
  • hit (someone) below the belt
    нанести кому-либо предательский удар, удар ниже пояса
    Alan hit me below the belt when he told everybody about my problems.
  • have the time of one's life
    очень хорошо проводить время
    I had the time of my life at my friend's birthday party which was on Saturday.
  • have one's heart in the right place
    иметь добрые намерения, быть добрым, отзывчивым человеком
    His daughters were plain, disinterested girls, but they had their hearts in the right place.
  • have half a mind to do (something)
    склоняться, быть расположенным сделать что-либо
    "I have half a mind to shut you up in jail for the rest of your life," Detective Fisher said.
  • have money to burn
    быть очень богатым, "денег куры не клюют"
    Mary's husband made the money easily enough - he would never miss it, neither would Mary. They had money to burn.
  • Here goes nothing.
    Вряд ли получится!
    "Here goes nothing. I have applied for a new job, but I am not sure I'll get it."
  • hold one's tongue
    промолчать, "придержать язык"
    "If my father asks you about me, please hold your tongue."
  • have a way with (someone or something)
    иметь подход к кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Miss Cook has a way with small children.
  • have a good head on one's shoulders
    быть разумным, "иметь голову на плечах"
    Pat is smart; she really has a good head on her shoulders.
  • have a big mouth
    болтун, сплетник
    "Don't trust Lily and never tell her any secrets; she has a big mouth."
  • have the right to (do something)
    иметь право делать что-либо
    "You don't have the right to poke your nose into my private affairs!"
  • have a head start
    иметь преимущество
    Jack Brown had a head start when he started a car race and as a result he easily won it.
  • hit the roof
    быть в гневе, "рвать и метать"
    Ms. Shneider hit the roof when she found out that her husband had an afair with a young woman.
  • have one's finger in too many pies
    иметь долю во многих делах, участвовать во многих мероприятиях
    "You have your finger in too many pies that's why you are not able to do your work well."
  • hit the books
    серьёзно готовиться к занятиям
    I had to read for my History exam, so I stayed home and hit the books.
  • head out
    идти, направляться
    It is time you headed out for the bathroom otherwise it will be occupied.
  • have (someone's) ear
    заставить кого-либо выслушать, добиться чьего-либо благосклонного внимания
    Maria was able to have the manager's ear and he is eager to help her anytime.
  • have cold feet
    стесняться или бояться делать что-либо
    Sam must have cold feet because he reluctantly meets new people.
  • have a nose for (something)
    иметь нюх на что-либо
    Peter had a nose for finding cheap computer disks.
  • have a green thumb
    быть хорошим овощеводом
    My Grandmother has a green thumb; she grows a lot of vegetables in her garden.
  • have ants in one's pants
    нервничать, беспокоиться
    Silvia was restless all day as if she had ants in her pants.