Идиомы на букву H

  • have a foot in both camps
    поддерживать каждую из оппозиционных групп, "и нашим, и вашим"
    I suspect that the governor had a foot in both camps of opposing parties.
  • have a lead foot
    слишком быстро водить машину
    I am afraid to go in Adam's car because he has a lead foot.
  • have cold feet
    стесняться или бояться делать что-либо
    Sam must have cold feet because he reluctantly meets new people.
  • have foot-in-mouth disease
    Sally is very shy; she blushes easily. I think that she has foot-in-mouth disease.
  • have one foot in the grave
    быть при смерти, "быть одной ногой в могиле"
    The woman was very sick and had one foot in the grave.
  • have two left feet
    быть плохим танцором (обе ноги левые)
    My friend has two left feet, and I don't like waltzing with him.