Идиомы на букву H
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упрямый, непримиримыйI told my husband to take a hard-nosed position while selling our house.
have a nose for (something)
иметь нюх на что-либоPeter had a nose for finding cheap computer disks.
have one's nose in (something)
совать нос во что-либо"Look here, Ann! I hate to have your nose in my business. Please, abate your curiosity."
have one's nose in the air
важничать, "задирать нос"I don't think much of Gina; she is very conceited and has her nose in the air.
have one's nose to the grindstone
усердно работать, быть занятым чем-либоJack has his nose to the grindstone; he is working hard at his thesis.
hold one's nose
неохотно соглашатьсяMy boss asked me to stay after office hours and I had to hold my nose though I had other fish to fry that evening.