Идиомы на букву H
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hang up (the telephone)
повесить трубку (телефона)When I heard the doorbell, I hung up the telephone and went to open the door.
неподдающийсяGeorge is the last hold-out among those who refuse to give up smoking.
испытывающий нехватку времени, обременённый срочной работойJimmy was hard-pressed for time that's why he couldn't go out with his girl friend that day.
hold the reins
быть самым влиятельным человеком; "держать бразды правления""Who is holding the reins in this company now?"
hold down (someone or something)
держать под контролем кого-либо \ что-либо; держть в подчиненииThe government in this country is unable to hold down the rate of inflation.
hold (someone) hostage
держать кого-либо в заложникахThe hijackers were holding the passengers of the plane hostage.
hold one's end of the bargain up
делать свою часть работы согласно уговору"You aren't holding your end of the bargain up. You were to have arranged a meeting of the shareholders."
hole in the wall
небольшое (подвальное) помещение (часто малопривлекательное)What a wretched little hole in the wall he lives in!
hand a verdict/decision down (to someone)
огласить или вручить кому-либо решение судаThe verdict was handed down to him yesterday morning as soon as the trail was over.
happy hour
то время в барах или ресторанах, когда горячительные напитки продаются со скидкойSam said it would be nice to stop at the restaurant during happy hour and have a few drinks.
hail from (somewhere)
быть родом откуда-либоGregory hails from a small mining town in the north of England.
hang by a hair/thread
зависеть от малого, "висеть на волоске"His whole life depended on a trifle; as if it were hanging by a thread.
have/get butterflies in one's stomach
чувствовать страх или беспокойствоI got butterflies in my stomach when I went to a job interview.
here and there
там и сямWe went here and there, looking for a cheap hotel.
Hang it!
Чёрт подери! Тьфу, пропасть! (восклицание, выражающее досаду, недовольство)"Hang it", Lucas said when he saw his mother-in-law approaching their house.
hang tough
придерживаться чего-либо одногоCarry decided to hang tough and stay in her present job.
hit on/upon (something)
случайно подумать о чём-либоTina hit upon the idea of aranging a garage sale, as she had a lot of things she didn't need.
have a close call/shave
чудом избежать несчастного случая\ смерти и т.д.Jack Robinson had a clear shave that summer; he would have never survived but for the way his friend nursed him.
hang one's hat (somewhere)
жить, иметь место жительстваGina would like to hang her hat in a small town near the sea.
умелый, ловкий, искусныйJoe is very handy; he does a lot of repairs in the house.
have an itchy/itching palm
выпрашивать деньги, чаевыеGeorge seems to have an itching palm. He is always asking for money.
hang one on
очень сильно напитьсяHe stayed in the pub all evening and hung one on.
house of cards
что-то плохо сделанное, что может развалиться; "карточный домик"The prosperity boom was just a house of cards built upon the ruins brought by the war.
держать что-либо в секрете"I want you to keep the news hush-hush. Do you understand me?"
high man on the totem pole
глава организацииMy husband is the high man on the totem pole in his office.
hundred to one chance/shot
очень маленький шанс, один из сотниTim only has a hundred to one chance at getting the grant that he has applied for.
honor (someone's) check
принять чей-либо чекAt the supermarket they didn't honor my check and I was very upset.
hedge one's bets
уменьшать потери, уравновешиватьWe decided to hedge our bets and go to the beach instead of camping out.
heartbeat away from (something)
лицо, к которому перейдёт титул, наследство или власть в случае смерти родственникаSofia, the young princess was a heartbeat away from becoming the next queen of her country.
неудобство, беспокойствоThe Americans, over the years, have designed their lives to be as hassle free as possible.
hedge in (something)
препятствовать чему-либо, преграждатьI couldn't move my car because it was hedged in by the other cars in the parking lot.
honeymoon is over
первоначальный период дружбы и сотрудничества оконченThe beginning of the year was the period of harmony of our undertaking; now the honeymoon is over.
have an edge on/over (someone or something)
иметь преимущество над кем-либо \ чем-либоI have an edge over Mike to win the chess tournament.
harken back to (something)
относить(ся) \ возвращаться к чему-либо, что уже сделано или сказано ранееThe Cathedral of Assumption in Vladimir harkens back to the thirteenth century.
hop, skip and a jump
короткое расстояниеThe park is a hop, skip, and a jump from their school.