Идиомы на букву H
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hundred and one
очень многоViola can think of a hundred and one reasons when she does not want to date George.
hundred to one chance/shot
очень маленький шанс, один из сотниTim only has a hundred to one chance at getting the grant that he has applied for.
hung jury
суд присяжных, который не смог вынести решениеThe jury was unable to agree on a verdict and the trial ended in a hung jury.
hung up on someone
быть одержимым, виснуть на ком-либоMartha has been hung up on her fellow student Monty, but he doesn't pay any attention to her.
hunt high and low for (someone or something)
искать везде кого-либо \ что-либоI have been hunting high and low for a good English textbook. Alas! I was out of luck.
hurl an insult (at someone)
оскорблять кого-либоThe drunken man in the bar was hurling insults at the bartender.
hush money
деньги за молчание, за неразглашение какой-либо информацииJoe had to pay hush money to avoid the scandal.
держать что-либо в секрете"I want you to keep the news hush-hush. Do you understand me?"
hustle and bustle
неразбериха, толкотня и шум"What is this all hustle and bustle about?"