Идиомы на тему Head and Mind
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in over one's head
сверх головы (трудностей, работы и т.д.)I was in over my head when I tried to do two jobs at a time.
have (something) hanging over one's head
беспокоиться \ тревожиться из-за чего-либо, "висеть над душой"I want to do my homework now, so I don't have it hanging over my head.
Heads up!
Осторожно! Опасность! Подними голову и посмотри вверх."Heads up!" said the waiter, who was carrying some hot food on the tray.
have a closed mind (about something)
быть упрямым, не желать изменить свои убеждения или мнениеMy uncle has a closed mind almost about everything in contemporary life.
get it into one's head to (do something)
вбить что-либо себе в головуJane got it into her head to become an actress though she doesn't have any inclination for acting.
rear its ugly head
(что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевиднымThe problem of cockroaches has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.
have an open mind about (something)
быть гибким, уметь прислушиваться к мнению другихEvelyn has always had an open mind about adopting children.
need one's head examined
у кого-либо с головой не в порядкеLola needs her head examined. She always makes silly remarks.
weigh on (someone's) mind
угнетать кого-либо, беспокоить, тяготитьI was to take entrance exams in summer and this fact was weighing on my mind.
written all over (someone's) face
на лице написано, на лице ясно отражено (какое-либо чувство, состояние)The fact that my younger sister had eaten all the sweets was written all over her face.
глупый, безмозглыйI think Martha is quite brainless; she has left the door unlocked again!
медленно соображающий, тупой"I don't think Kelly is slow-witted; she is just lazy."
легко понять, не требуется особых доказательствIt is no-brainer that if you do not work hard, you won't make any progress in English.
brainwash (someone)
подвергнуть идеологической обработкеPoliticians always try to brainwash common people into thinking what they want them to think.
pay (someone or something) no mind
игнорировать, не обращать внимания на кого-либо \ что-либоThere was a clutter of chairs in the auditorium, but he paid the noise no mind.
show one's face
появиться, показатьсяAfter cheating at the exam, Simon was ashamed to show his face.
head case
быть не в своём уме, быть сумасшедшимMy neighbor is definitely a head case. She is absolutely crazy.
put one's head in a noose
вредить самому себе действием или словом, лезть в петлюAlice put her head in a noose when she borrowed a lot of money from Fanny.
brain (someone)
ударить кого-либо по голове, размозжить головуSuddenly the little boy took his spade and brained his playmate.
out of the mouths of babes
устами младенца (глаголет истина)Samantha's statement was right out of the mouths of babes. The little girl understood everything.
give (someone) a swelled head
стать тщеславным, вскружить кому-либо головуRon had won the swimming championship and the victory gave him a swelled head.
go head to head with (someone)
соревноваться с кем-либо на равныхJack went head to head with his opponent in the tennis competition.
have a price on one's head
объявлять вознаграждение за поимку преступникаWillbrook is a dangerous criminal; he has a price on his head and is wanted by the police all over the state.
ограниченный, недалёкийGeorge is generally very open about a lot of things, but when it comes to politics, he is terribly narrow-minded.
hide one's head in the sand
стараться не видеть неприятной или опасной ситуации, "прятать голову в песок"Willy keeps from knowing something unpleasant; he prefers to hide his head in the sand.
get out of (someone's) face
оставить кого-либо в покое, уйти с глаз долойEva irritates me no end; I wish she would get out of my face.
stand (something) on its head
придать чему-либо противоположное значение, исказить, поставить с ног на головуWe didn't agree with them because they stood this important matter on its head.
scream one's head off
пронзительно кричатьWhen Mary saw a mouse, she screamed her head off.
head over heels in love with (someone)
влюбиться по ушиSheila fell head over heels in love with her former classmate Hugo.
by a whisker
на волосок, чуть-чутьHe shot at me and just missed hitting me by a hair.
beat one's head against the wall
биться головой об стену (зря тратить время, делая бесполезное дело)While speaking to my son, I felt as if I were beating my head against the wall.
stand on one's head (to do something)
делать большие усилияJordan did everything but stand on his head to help his friend quit smoking.
head shrinker
психиатрWanda is being very strange lately, and I advised her to go and see a head shrinker.
hold one's head up
иметь чувство собственного достоинства, "высоко держать голову"Though John lost his case in court, he didn't lose his dignity and held his head up.
на одну персону, на одногоThe bus fare was two dollars a head.