Идиомы на тему Head and Mind

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  • able to (do something) standing on one's head
    уметь делать что-либо легко и быстро
    Jim has always been a skilled worker; he is able to do his job standing on his head.
  • beat (something) into (someone's) head
    вбить что-либо в голову кого-либо
    "Whether you want it or not, I'll try to beat the rule into your head."
  • bite (someone's) head off
    говорить сердито с кем-либо
    I would have confessed my fault to my mother if I were not afraid that she might bite my head off.
  • bonehead
    исключительно глупый, тупой
    "You are a bonehead. Why don't you understand what I am trying to tell you?"
  • bring (something) to a head
    обострять что-либо, завершать
    This incident brought the question of relationships among the workers to a head.
  • bury/hide one's head in the sand
    прятать голову в песок, отказываться видеть/ признавать что-либо неприятное
    When the situation got tough, Phil buried his head in the sand; he was unable to take the responsibility.
  • butt heads with (someone)
    спорить с кем-либо, "сталкиваться лбами"
    "I do not intend to butt heads with you about this problem because I know I am right."
  • count heads
    считать людей "считать по головам"
    "I'll have to count heads before I take the children out for a walk."
  • drum (something) into (someone's) head
    заставить (силой) кого-либо учить что-либо, "вдолбить в голову"
    The mother worked hard to drum in vain some grammar rules into her son's head.
  • fall head over heels
    упасть головой вниз
    Miss Moose felt strong hands push her, and she fell head over heels down the staircase.
  • fall head over heels in love with (someone)
    влюбиться по уши
    Dorothy fell head over heels in love with David.
  • from head to toe
    с головы до пят
    Having walked in the rain, the kids were wet from head to toe.
  • get a head start
    начать раньше кого-либо/ чего-либо
    "Let's get a head start on our work. The sooner we begin, the sooner we finish."
  • get into (someone's) head
    пытаться понять, о чём думает и что чувствует кто-либо
    I am trying to get into my friend's head, so that I might understand how he feels about losing his job.
  • get it into one's head to (do something)
    вбить что-либо себе в голову
    Jane got it into her head to become an actress though she doesn't have any inclination for acting.
  • give (someone) a swelled head
    стать тщеславным, вскружить кому-либо голову
    Ron had won the swimming championship and the victory gave him a swelled head.
  • go head to head with (someone)
    соревноваться с кем-либо на равных
    Jack went head to head with his opponent in the tennis competition.
  • go over (someone's) head
    быть трудным для понимания, "не укладываться в голове"
    "It's difficult for me to understand what's going on; it goes over my head."
  • go to (someone's) head
    The boy has won the figure skating competition and the victory has gone to his head.
  • go to one's head
    вызывать головокружение
    Robert seemed to have had too much whiskey because the drink went to his head.
  • hanging over (someone's) head
    беспокоить кого-либо, висеть над чьей-либо головой
    The teacher's suspicion that Leo had cheated in the final examination was hanging over Leo's head.
  • have (something) hanging over one's head
    беспокоиться \ тревожиться из-за чего-либо, "висеть над душой"
    I want to do my homework now, so I don't have it hanging over my head.
  • have a big head
    быть тщеславным, самодовольным
    Olaf is very conceited; he seems to have a big head, he is sure that he is better than everyone else in the group.
  • have a good head for (something)
    иметь способность к чему-либо
    Joan has quite a good head for business administration.
  • have a good head on one's shoulders
    быть разумным, "иметь голову на плечах"
    Pat is smart; she really has a good head on her shoulders.
  • have a head start
    иметь преимущество
    Jack Brown had a head start when he started a car race and as a result he easily won it.
  • have a price on one's head
    объявлять вознаграждение за поимку преступника
    Willbrook is a dangerous criminal; he has a price on his head and is wanted by the police all over the state.
  • have one's head in the clouds
    мечтать, "витать в облаках"
    Julia has her head in the clouds and doesn't care about anything.
  • have rocks in one's head
    быть глупым, не иметь здравого смысла
    Ann definitely has rocks in her head. Otherwise she wouldn't have rented that awful apartment.
  • head
    на одну персону, на одного
    The bus fare was two dollars a head.
  • head case
    быть не в своём уме, быть сумасшедшим
    My neighbor is definitely a head case. She is absolutely crazy.
  • head is buzzing
    думать сразу о многом, иметь много дел, забот, волнений; "голова идёт кругом"
    My head has been buzzing since we moved to a new apartment.
  • head over heels
    вверх ногами, кубарем, кувырком
    The puppy tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of the ball.
  • head over heels in debt
    быть по уши в долгах
    Marion doesn't earn enough money, and she is always head over heels in debt.
  • head over heels in love with (someone)
    влюбиться по уши
    Sheila fell head over heels in love with her former classmate Hugo.