Идиомы на тему Head and Mind

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  • head shrinker
    Wanda is being very strange lately, and I advised her to go and see a head shrinker.
  • head-on
    лобовой, фронтальный
    Sam Beevers had a head-on crash on the highway yesterday.
  • headhunt
    поиск квалифицированных кадров
    The president of our firm sent a committee to the colleges and universities to do some headhunt in the hope of finding some young talent.
  • Heads up!
    Осторожно! Опасность! Подними голову и посмотри вверх.
    "Heads up!" said the waiter, who was carrying some hot food on the tray.
  • hide one's head in the sand
    стараться не видеть неприятной или опасной ситуации, "прятать голову в песок"
    Willy keeps from knowing something unpleasant; he prefers to hide his head in the sand.
  • hold one's head up
    иметь чувство собственного достоинства, "высоко держать голову"
    Though John lost his case in court, he didn't lose his dignity and held his head up.
  • in over one's head
    сверх головы (трудностей, работы и т.д.)
    I was in over my head when I tried to do two jobs at a time.
  • keep a cool head
    сохранять спокойствие в трудной ситуации
    "I know the situation is difficult and stressful, but I want you to keep a cool head."
  • keep one's head
    сохранять спокойствие, присутствие духа, владеть собой, "не терять головы"
    Jordan is as cool as a cucumber; he always keeps his head in emergences.
  • keep one's head above water
    бороться за существование, с трудом сводить концы с концами
    I am not rich. I am not even wealthy. In fact I can hardly keep my head above water.
  • keep one's head down
    стараться быть незаметным
    He was ashamed of what he had done, so he kept his head down, trying to remain unnoticed.
  • knock some heads together
    ругать, распекать
    The manager decided that he would have to knock some heads together if he wanted to get the work done properly.
  • laugh one's head off
    долго и много смеяться, надрываться от смеха
    Bob's story was so funny that I laughed my head off.
  • lose one's head over (someone or something)
    потерять голову из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо, разволноваться
    Mr. Winter has lost his head over horse races; he makes bets and loses a lot of money.
  • make heads or tails (out) of (something)
    находить значение в чём-либо, понимать
    Sam could not make heads or tails of the lines and dots on the map.
  • need (something) like a hole in the head
    что-либо совсем не нужно, "нужно как собаке пятая нога"
    "You need that old second-hand car as you need a hole in the head."
  • need one's head examined
    у кого-либо с головой не в порядке
    Lola needs her head examined. She always makes silly remarks.
  • off the top of one's head
    (знать) на память, (быть) спонтанным, не подготовленным заранее
    George knew all the facts and figures in the report off the top of his head.
  • over one's head
    не в состоянии понять
    All this is over my head; I am not able to understand what they want.
  • per head
    на одного человека, на одну персону
    The bus fare cost only a small amount of money per head.
  • put ideas into (someone's) head
    наводить кого-либо на мысль (о чем-либо плохом), подсказывать
    "You are being most irrational. Who is putting silly ideas into your head?"
  • put one's head in a noose
    вредить самому себе действием или словом, лезть в петлю
    Alice put her head in a noose when she borrowed a lot of money from Fanny.
  • put one's head in the lion's mouth
    оказаться в опасности из-за собственной неосмотрительности
    David put his head in the lion's mouth when he got involved in the car fraud.
  • put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
    рисковать (головой) ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    "Mind you, I am not going to put my head on the block for you."
  • put one's heads together
    обговорить, обсудить что-либо вместе
    "Let's put our heads together and discuss our problems."
  • raise its (ugly) head
    снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)
    The problem of cockroaches in our apartment raised its ugly head again.
  • rear its ugly head
    (что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевидным
    The problem of cockroaches has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.
  • scratch one's head
    приводить в замешательство, озадачивать кого-либо
    I left Jenifer scratching her head after I told her the news of Harry's engagement.
  • scream one's head off
    пронзительно кричать
    When Mary saw a mouse, she screamed her head off.
  • should have one's head examined
    вести себя неразумно, как сумасшедший
    "You must be crazy to buy that outdated computer. You definitely should have your head examined."
  • stand (something) on its head
    придать чему-либо противоположное значение, исказить, поставить с ног на голову
    We didn't agree with them because they stood this important matter on its head.
  • stand on one's head (to do something)
    делать большие усилия
    Jordan did everything but stand on his head to help his friend quit smoking.
  • stick one's head in a noose
    навредить себе, сунуть голову в петлю
    Bob borrowed a large sum of money thus sticking my head in a noose.
  • swelled head
    Marcia has a swelled head; she thinks that she is the most gifted person in her class.
  • take it into one's head to do (something)
    взбрести кому-либо в голову
    Why did you take it into your head to invite Elvis to the party? He is such a wet blanket.