Идиомы на тему Head and Mind
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keep one's chin up
не унывать, "не вешать носа"Sam put his finger under Jen's chin and looked into her eyes. "Keep your chin up, Jennie," he said.
make chin music
болтать, разговариватьWhen the two old friends met, they spent the whole day making chin music.
take (something) on the chin
испытать, терпеливо вынести что-либоJeremy took his failure on the chin.
take it on the chin
потерпеть поражение, быть побеждённымPaul took it on the chin in the chess tournament.
up to one's chin in (something)
быть занятым (под завязку) или быть вовлечённым во что-либоMy cousin Marcia is always in debt up to her chin.
wag one's chin
болтать, молоть языкомLiza met Wanda in the tea room, and she wagged her chin with an old friend for a long time.