Идиомы на тему Head and Mind

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  • head is buzzing
    думать сразу о многом, иметь много дел, забот, волнений; "голова идёт кругом"
    My head has been buzzing since we moved to a new apartment.
  • cross (someone's) mind
    подумать, прийти на ум
    It crossed his mind that he would never see Mary again.
  • put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
    рисковать (головой) ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    "Mind you, I am not going to put my head on the block for you."
  • get in (someone's) hair
    раздражать кого-либо
    "Your behavior gets in my hair."
  • make a face (at someone)
    корчить гримасы
    "Stop making a face at the monkey," said the mother. - "He began it first," answered the son.
  • put hair on one's chest
    быть полезным для кого-либо (о пище или напитках)
    I had a sore throat and Mother said that hot milk with honey would put hair on my chest.
  • fall flat on one's face
    полностью провалиться, потерпеть неудачу
    The young actor fell flat on his face during his first performance.
  • from head to toe
    с головы до пят
    Having walked in the rain, the kids were wet from head to toe.
  • put one's heads together
    обговорить, обсудить что-либо вместе
    "Let's put our heads together and discuss our problems."
  • have one's head screwed on right/straight
    быть разумным, принимать правильные решения
    Henry seems to have his head screwed on straight; his decisions are always right.
  • brain drain
    иммиграция талантливых учёных, утечка "мозгов"
    There was a brain drain from Russia to America during the stagnation period.
  • all in (someone's) mind
    воображать несуществующую проблему
    "Please, don't bother me with your problem. It is all in your mind. It does not exist."
  • have (someone or something) on one's mind
    много думать о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Linda had a lot of problems on her mind.
  • take (something) on the chin
    испытать, терпеливо вынести что-либо
    Jeremy took his failure on the chin.
  • have (something) in mind
    иметь что-либо в виду, запомнить
    I wonder what Jeremy had in mind when he had asked me to help him.
  • come to one's senses
    образумиться, взяться за ум, прийти в себя
    "I want you to stop fooling around and come to your senses."
  • turn (something) on its head
    поставить с ног на голову, придать чему-либо противоположное значение
    The judge accused the lawyer of turning the statement on its head.
  • collect one's wits
    собраться с мыслями
    I had to collect my wits after the strange story Jami told me.
  • take it into one's head to do (something)
    взбрести кому-либо в голову
    Why did you take it into your head to invite Elvis to the party? He is such a wet blanket.
  • have a mind like a steel trap
    иметь острый и живой ум
    Although Timothy is seventy-five he has a mind like a steel trap and his memory is very good.
  • bring (something) to a head
    обострять что-либо, завершать
    This incident brought the question of relationships among the workers to a head.
  • get (someone) out of one's hair
    перестать надоедать кому-либо
    Eliza tried hard to get her younger sister out of her hair.
  • blow up in (someone's) face
    мгновенно взорваться, потерять значимость
    The information, which was supposed to be secret, suddenly blew up in his face.
  • get gray hair
    поседеть (в результате стресса)
    Ms Ross was getting gray hair from her son; he was her constant worry.
  • put one's face on
    краситься, накладывать макияж
    I was waiting for Nora while she was putting her face on.
  • come face to face with (someone or something)
    столкнуться лицом к лицу с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    At the airport I suddenly came face to face with a famous pop singer.
  • have a brainstorm
    внезапная идея (пришла в голову)
    "Listen to me, I've just had a brainstorm, and I believe I have found the solution to our problem."
  • keep (someone) out of one's hair
    удерживать кого-либо от причинения беспокойства
    The children were naughty all day and it was not possible to keep them out of our hair.
  • beat one's brains out
    шевелить мозгами (много умственно трудиться)
    The author beat his brains out in order to think up the proper title for his book.
  • bonehead
    исключительно глупый, тупой
    "You are a bonehead. Why don't you understand what I am trying to tell you?"
  • butt heads with (someone)
    спорить с кем-либо, "сталкиваться лбами"
    "I do not intend to butt heads with you about this problem because I know I am right."
  • fall head over heels
    упасть головой вниз
    Miss Moose felt strong hands push her, and she fell head over heels down the staircase.
  • bear (someone or something) in mind
    иметь кого-либо или что-либо в виду
    Wanda ought to bear this risky affair in mind; it might be a fraud, for all I know.
  • have a lot on one's mind
    иметь много забот
    I have had a lot on my mind with my children recently.
  • of two minds
    быть в нерешительности, сомневаться
    I am of two minds whether to go to Elmer's party tonight. On the one hand I like Elmer on the other I hate parties.