Идиомы на тему Head and Mind
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лицом к лицуSam was not afraid to stand face-to-face with his enemy.
go to (someone's) head
загордитьсяThe boy has won the figure skating competition and the victory has gone to his head.
bored out of one's mind/skull
надоесть, наскучитьThe lecture turned out to be extremely dull, and I was bored out of my mind.
have a stroke
внезапный приступ, частичный или полный параличMy Granddad had a stroke and died soon after it.
make chin music
болтать, разговариватьWhen the two old friends met, they spent the whole day making chin music.
have a mind of its own
иметь собственный ум (о механизме или автомобиле)The car was unwilling to start as if it had a mind of its own and won't do anything that I want.
оригинальная мысль, порождение умаThe idea for building a playground for children is the brainchild of Miss Rotenberg.
go to one's head
вызывать головокружениеRobert seemed to have had too much whiskey because the drink went to his head.
need (something) like a hole in the head
что-либо совсем не нужно, "нужно как собаке пятая нога""You need that old second-hand car as you need a hole in the head."
over one's head
не в состоянии понятьAll this is over my head; I am not able to understand what they want.
put ideas into (someone's) head
наводить кого-либо на мысль (о чем-либо плохом), подсказывать"You are being most irrational. Who is putting silly ideas into your head?"
stuff one's face
набить себе желудок, много съестьI was not hungry because I stuffed my face in the restaurant.
put one's head in the lion's mouth
оказаться в опасности из-за собственной неосмотрительностиDavid put his head in the lion's mouth when he got involved in the car fraud.
turn the other cheek
подставить другую щёку, быть безответным, не мстительнымI know it was an excellent opportunity for turning the other cheek, but I didn't think of it in time.
have second thoughts about (someone or something)
испытывать сомнения по поводу кого-либо \ чего-либоI have second thoughts about marrying Ronald.
count heads
считать людей "считать по головам""I'll have to count heads before I take the children out for a walk."
ужасно скучныйThe lecture was not interesting at all; it was mind-numbing.
have the wits to do (something)
быть сообразительным; соображать, как делать что-либоWilly insulted me, but I didn't have the wits to retort promptly.
out of one's hair
надоедать кому-либоMy little brother is bothering me and I'd like to get him out of my hair.
head over heels
вверх ногами, кубарем, кувыркомThe puppy tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold of the ball.
change (someone's) mind
передуматьAt first Lola agreed to join us but then changed her mind.
not just a pretty face
быть умным, а не только красивымSarah is not just a pretty face. She is very intelligent.
brain teaser
головоломкаA brain teaser is a problem for which it is hard to find the answer.
tongue in cheek
насмешливо, иронично, в шуткуThe remark was made tongue in cheek, but Bill got offended.
take leave of one's senses
сойти с ума, потерять рассудок, обезуметьMy brother had taken my car without my permission; I got angry and told him he had taken leave of his senses.
get into (someone's) head
пытаться понять, о чём думает и что чувствует кто-либоI am trying to get into my friend's head, so that I might understand how he feels about losing his job.
fly in the face of (something)
оставить без внимания (кого-либо, что-либо), пренебречьThe customer complained of a poor service, but the manager flew in the face of her complaint.
Out of sight, out of mind.
С глаз долой из сердца вон. (пословица)After Robert moved out of town, Regina found other men to date. As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."
of one mind
быть одного мнения, соглашаться с кем-либоThe teaching staff and the principal were of one mind when they decided to change the curriculum.
make (someone's) hair curl
сильно испугать или шокировать кого-либоThe sight of the bleeding man with a knife in his side made my hair curl.
boggle one's mind
пугать, смущать, тревожить"I don't want to boggle your mind, but the absence of proper safety is dangerous."
have rocks in one's head
быть глупым, не иметь здравого смыслаAnn definitely has rocks in her head. Otherwise she wouldn't have rented that awful apartment.
have the presence of mind to (do something)
уметь действовать разумно в трудной ситуации"I believe you have the presence of mind to reject his invitation."
beat (something) into (someone's) head
вбить что-либо в голову кого-либо"Whether you want it or not, I'll try to beat the rule into your head."
have keen wits
быстро соображатьCora is smart; she has keen wits and is able to make good decisions very fast.