Идиомы на букву P

  • PA
    Public Address System - система оповещения по радио
    The news of the flood was transmitted over the PA.
  • packed in like sardines
    в тесноте, "как селёдки в бочке"
    The place is extremely crowded; the people are packed in like sardines here.
  • pad the bill
    включить неоправданные расходы в счёт
    Allan tried to pad the hotel bill when he was on a business trip.
  • paddle one's own canoe
    полагаться только на себя, действовать самостоятельно
    Let the girl alone and let her paddle her own canoe.
  • pain in the neck
    надоедливый, раздражающий, возмущающий (человек)
    Peter is very annoying; he is a regular pain in the neck.
  • paint oneself into a corner
    загнать себя в угол; попасть в трудную ситуацию, из которой невозможно выбраться
    I have painted myself into a corner since I started missing Professor Stillford's lectures.
  • paint the town red
    устроить весёлую вечеринку, предаваться шумному веселью
    Jimmy didn't work, spent a lot of money and painted the town red. It was all quite normal.
  • pale/blue/green around the gills
    выглядеть больным
    "You are looking a little pale around the gills, so you'd better go home right now."
  • palm off (something)
    всучить, подсунуть что-либо (как ценность), сбыть с рук при помощи обмана
    Lloyd tried to palm his old computer off on me as one that was new.
  • paper tiger
    неопасный противник, "бумажный тигр"
    I think Jim Gardens is a paper tiger and has really no power in the company.
  • par for the course
    ничего не обычного, непредвиденного
    There was nothing par for the course; it was exactly as they had expected it would be.
  • pass the buck
    сваливать ответственность на другого
    Dora had no desire to cook dinner, so she passed the buck to her younger sister.
  • pass the hat
    собирать деньга на какой-либо проект (пустить шапку по кругу)
    They passed the hat in order to raise money for the animal shelter.
  • pass the torch/baton to someone
    передать кому-либо полномочия (досл. передать эстафетную палочку)
    When Jeremy Smith decided to retire, he passed the torch to his son.
  • pass through (someone's) mind
    промелькнуть в уме
    It passed through his mind that he had met that woman before, but he didn't remember her name.
  • pass with flying colors
    успешно закончить, получить высокий балл
    Most of the students in our Math class passed the test with flying colors.
  • pat on the back
    The teacher gave Mark a pat on the back because he had passed a very difficult test.
  • patch up a relationship
    возобновить нарушенные прежде отношения
    For a long time Jerry and Liza were not on speaking terms, but they managed to patch up their relationship somehow.
  • pay (someone or something) no mind
    игнорировать, не обращать внимания на кого-либо \ что-либо
    There was a clutter of chairs in the auditorium, but he paid the noise no mind.
  • pay (someone) a back-handed/left-handed compliment
    отвесить сомнительный комплимент кому-либо
    I didn't mean to pay Sara a back-handed compliment when I told her how well she looked.
  • pay a king's ransom (for something)
    заплатить огромные деньги за что-либо
    I am not going to pay a king's ransom for this used car.
  • pay an arm and a leg (for something)
    заплатить кучу денег за что-либо
    They paid an arm and a leg for their new house.
  • pay as you go
    платить по мере выставления счёта или получения товара
    The shop was forced to pay as they go when the bank refused to give them another loan.
  • pay in advance
    платить заранее, (предоплата)
    I registered at the hotel and paid in advance for a single room.
  • pay lip service to (someone or something)
    поддерживать кого-либо на словах, а не на деле
    "If you can support the project, do it. Don't pay lip service to me."
  • pay off
    принести прибыль, окупиться
    They hope that this particular research will pay off commercially.
  • pay off (someone)
    давать кому-либо взятку, откупиться
    The shopkeeper had to pay off a gang of racketeers who were squeezing money from him.
  • pay off (something)
    расплатиться с чем-либо (с долгами)
    Lorna had serious intentions to pay off every debt.
  • pay off a debt/loan
    выплатить долг, ссуду
    I had borrowed money from the bank and finished to pay off the loan pretty soon.
  • pay one's debt (to society)
    заплатить долг обществу (сидеть в тюрьме за преступление)
    The woman spent a few years in prison, paying her debt to society.
  • pay one's own way
    оплатить расходы самому
    In order to pay my own way during college, I had to get a loan in the bank.
  • pay the piper
    расплачиваться (за плохие или неправильные действия)
    Joe acted quite insensibly and now he has to pay the piper for his wrong doings.
  • pay through the nose for (something)
    платить бешеные деньги за что-либо
    Ken made his family pay through the nose for keeping him out of bankruptcy.
  • pay up
    (срочно) расплатиться
    George lost a small fortune playing poker and his poor wife had to pay up.
  • payoff
    The deputy mayor received a handsome sum of money as a payoff.