Идиомы на букву P

  • pain in the neck
    надоедливый, раздражающий, возмущающий (человек)
    Peter is very annoying; he is a regular pain in the neck.
  • put one's foot down (about something)
    запретить, положить конец, занять твёрдую позицию
    This has gone far enough; he is going to put his foot down about his son's gambling.
  • play devil's advocate
    не принимать на веру и во всем сомневаться; быть защитником неправедного дела
    Mary offered to play devil's advocate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it.
  • pull (someone's) leg
    подшучивать над кем-либо, дурачить кого-либо
    Nathan is fond of playing tricks on people and he is always pulling my leg when he sees me.
  • put on the dog
    экстравагантно одеваться, свободно вести себя или хорошо развлекаться
    Let's go to a luxurious restaurant and put on the dog.
  • put the cat among the pigeons
    причинять неприятности, "пустить козла в огород"
    "Don't send your secretary to talk to the angry students; it's like putting the cat among the pigeons."
  • piece of cake
    лёгкий (ая)
    That English book was a piece of cake. It was the easiest book that I had ever read.
  • put all one's eggs in one basket
    рисковать всем, поставить всё на карту
    Jeffrey Archer put all his eggs in one basket by investing into a Canadian company.
  • pass with flying colors
    успешно закончить, получить высокий балл
    Most of the students in our Math class passed the test with flying colors.
  • paint the town red
    устроить весёлую вечеринку, предаваться шумному веселью
    Jimmy didn't work, spent a lot of money and painted the town red. It was all quite normal.
  • peeping Tom
    человек, подглядывающий за интимными действиями незнакомых людей (вуайерист)
    Johnny was picked up by the police as a peeping Tom.
  • pull (something) out of a hat
    получить что-либо, как будто бы по волшебству
    The young man had applied for a grant and was fortunate to pull it out of a hat.
  • put the cart before the horse
    начать не с того конца, поступать шиворот-навыворот, "поставить телегу впереди лошади"
    They put the cart before the horse and took the effect for the cause.
  • put on a brave face
    казаться счастливым (хотя ситуация неблагоприятная), не выдавать своих чувств
    Susan was awfully afraid of the operation, but she tried to put on a brave face.
  • play it by ear
    принять решение в зависимости от ситуации
    Mark didn't have a definite plan of action; he decided to play it by ear.
  • penny saved is a penny earned
    пенни сбережённое – всё равно, что заработанное, "копейка рубль бережёт"
    "It's easier to spend money than to earn it. But you should remember 'A penny saved is a penny earned'."
  • pull one's hair out
    быть расстроенным, обеспокоенным
    Don't pull your hair out even if you discover that you are not a genius.
  • pull the wool over (someone's) eyes
    вводить кого-либо в заблуждение, "втирать очки"
    "You are telling me a pack of lies. Don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes like that."
  • pay an arm and a leg (for something)
    заплатить кучу денег за что-либо
    They paid an arm and a leg for their new house.
  • put one's back into (something)
    вложить силу или энергию во что-либо
    I had to move the piano out of the family room, so I asked my friend to put his back into it.
  • put on one's thinking cap
    (глубоко) задуматься
    Selma put on her thinking cap and tried to decide what to do about her son's playing truant.
  • paddle one's own canoe
    полагаться только на себя, действовать самостоятельно
    Let the girl alone and let her paddle her own canoe.
  • put one's toe in the water
    начать что-либо делать и посмотреть, что из этого получиться
    Ron decided to put his toe in the water to see if the new job is good for him.
  • puppy love
    страстная влюблённость, слепое увлечение (среди подростков)
    When Martin and Pam began going around together in high school, their parents said it was just puppy love.
  • play chicken
    играть в опасные игры (посмотреть, кто первым испугается)
    A few boys were playing chicken on the playground.
  • pay through the nose for (something)
    платить бешеные деньги за что-либо
    Ken made his family pay through the nose for keeping him out of bankruptcy.
  • play cat and mouse with (someone)
    дразнить, дурачить; "играть в кошки-мышки"
    "Please, stop playing cat and mouse with me; I want to know your intentions immediately."
  • put two and two together
    смекнуть, понять
    The death of his wife and the money he was going to inherit The police were sure to put two and two together.
  • put (someone's) nose out of joint
    обидеть кого-либо
    I didn't mean to put my friend's nose out of joint when I criticized his work.
  • pay lip service to (someone or something)
    поддерживать кого-либо на словах, а не на деле
    "If you can support the project, do it. Don't pay lip service to me."
  • put one's shoulder to the wheel
    энергично взяться за работу, приналечь
    "If you want to prosper in the future, you must put your shoulder to the wheel."
  • pull up one's socks
    напрячь силы, подтянуться
    "If I were you, I'd pull my socks up, or you will not be able to continue taking this class."
  • put one's foot in one's mouth
    попасть впросак, "сесть в лужу"
    He was afraid lest he should put his foot in his mouth, so he decided to keep silent.
  • put one's best foot forward
    делать всё возможное, стараться быть на высоте
    It was the necessity to put her best foot forward that was really troubling her.
  • play one's cards right
    воспользоваться своей возможностью наилучшим образом
    I hope to play my cards right and get a promotion soon.