Идиомы на букву P

  • put (lay) one's cards on the table
    рассказать всё без утайки, "открыть свои карты"
    I put my cards on the table and told my parents what was worrying me.
  • put (someone or something) out to pasture
    удалить кого-либо на покой, перестать использовать что-либо
    They finally decided to put Old Kenworth out to pasture and asked him to give up his responsibilities.
  • put (someone's) eye out
    выколоть кому-либо глаз
    Jeremy became blind as he accidentally put his eye out.
  • put (someone's) nose out of joint
    обидеть кого-либо
    I didn't mean to put my friend's nose out of joint when I criticized his work.
  • put (someone) on hold
    заставить кого-либо ждать во время телефонного звонка
    I wanted to reserve a room, so I phoned the Ritz, and the receptionist put me on hold.
  • put (someone) through
    соединить с кем-либо (по телефону)
    Linda phoned the bank and they quickly put her through to a bank clerk.
  • put (something) down in black and white
    записать что-либо чёрным по белому
    They told me to put the agreement down in black and white.
  • put (something) in mothballs
    положить что-либо на хранение, ставить на консервацию
    My father put our old car in mothballs and decided to buy a new one.
  • put (something) on hold
    перенести что-либо, отсрочить
    The construction company had to put the project on hold before the environmental issue was cleared out.
  • put a bug in (someone's) ear
    нашёптывать кому-либо, вдолбить в голову
    I wanted to buy a new car so I put a bug in my father's ear.
  • put all one's eggs in one basket
    рисковать всем, поставить всё на карту
    Jeffrey Archer put all his eggs in one basket by investing into a Canadian company.
  • put flesh on (something)
    добавить детали к чему-либо
    I decided to put flesh on my new project so that it becomes clearer and more detailed.
  • put hair on one's chest
    быть полезным для кого-либо (о пище или напитках)
    I had a sore throat and Mother said that hot milk with honey would put hair on my chest.
  • put ideas into (someone's) head
    наводить кого-либо на мысль (о чем-либо плохом), подсказывать
    "You are being most irrational. Who is putting silly ideas into your head?"
  • put in one's oar
    вмешиваться в чужие дела
    Ann was doing very well until her brother came along and put in his oar. She could have done much better without his advice.
  • put in one's two cents (worth)
    высказать своё мнение, свои соображения
    Nobody ever pays any attention to Marion when she tries to put in her two cents.
  • put on a brave face
    казаться счастливым (хотя ситуация неблагоприятная), не выдавать своих чувств
    Susan was awfully afraid of the operation, but she tried to put on a brave face.
  • put on one's thinking cap
    (глубоко) задуматься
    Selma put on her thinking cap and tried to decide what to do about her son's playing truant.
  • put on the dog
    экстравагантно одеваться, свободно вести себя или хорошо развлекаться
    Let's go to a luxurious restaurant and put on the dog.
  • put on the feed bag
    поесть что-либо
    They immediately put on the feed bag when they came home.
  • put one's back into (something)
    вложить силу или энергию во что-либо
    I had to move the piano out of the family room, so I asked my friend to put his back into it.
  • put one's best foot forward
    делать всё возможное, стараться быть на высоте
    It was the necessity to put her best foot forward that was really troubling her.
  • put one's cards on the table
    рассказать всё без утайки, открыть свои карты
    I put my cards on the table and told my parents what was worrying me.
  • put one's face on
    краситься, накладывать макияж
    I was waiting for Nora while she was putting her face on.
  • put one's finger on (something)
    обнаруживать точное местонахождение чего-либо
    Sandra was not able to put her finger on the exact place where she had lost her purse.
  • put one's foot down (about something)
    запретить, положить конец, занять твёрдую позицию
    This has gone far enough; he is going to put his foot down about his son's gambling.
  • put one's foot in one's mouth
    попасть впросак, "сесть в лужу"
    He was afraid lest he should put his foot in his mouth, so he decided to keep silent.
  • put one's hand to the plow
    взяться за трудное дело
    Stella put her hand to the plow in order to clean the whole house.
  • put one's hands on (something)
    завладеть чем-либо
    I would like to put my hands on a good computer.
  • put one's head in a noose
    вредить самому себе действием или словом, лезть в петлю
    Alice put her head in a noose when she borrowed a lot of money from Fanny.
  • put one's head in the lion's mouth
    оказаться в опасности из-за собственной неосмотрительности
    David put his head in the lion's mouth when he got involved in the car fraud.
  • put one's head on the block for (someone or something)
    рисковать (головой) ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    "Mind you, I am not going to put my head on the block for you."
  • put one's heads together
    обговорить, обсудить что-либо вместе
    "Let's put our heads together and discuss our problems."
  • put one's mind to (something)
    уделить много внимания чему-либо
    "I am sure you can do nearly anything if you put your mind to it."
  • put one's money where one's mouth is
    перестать болтать и приняться за дело
    "I want you to put your money where your mouth is and back up your words with action."