Идиомы на букву P

  • PC
    Politically Correct - полит корректный
    It is supposed that all material published in a newspaper must be PC.
  • PE
    Physical Education - физкультура
    PE was my favorite subject at school.
  • pecking order
    неофициальная иерархия, сложившийся порядок подчинения
    Poor Jim! He is at the bottom of pecking order and is dominated by everybody.
  • peeping Tom
    человек, подглядывающий за интимными действиями незнакомых людей (вуайерист)
    Johnny was picked up by the police as a peeping Tom.
  • penalty clause
    штрафная неустойка, штрафная санкция
    There is a penalty clause in my bank loan agreement if I don't pay out the money in time.
  • pennies from heaven
    деньги, которые вы не ожидали получить
    The bonus that I received from the company was like pennies from heaven.
  • penny for one's thoughts
    О чём это вы задумались?
    "A penny for your thoughts," Jim said. "My thoughts are not worth anything because I was thinking of you," Wanda replied.
  • penny saved is a penny earned
    пенни сбережённое – всё равно, что заработанное, "копейка рубль бережёт"
    "It's easier to spend money than to earn it. But you should remember 'A penny saved is a penny earned'."
  • penny-wise and pound foolish
    экономный в мелочах и расточительный в крупном
    They had no penny-wise and pound-foolish policy in their company.
  • per head
    на одного человека, на одну персону
    The bus fare cost only a small amount of money per head.
  • perfect couple
    прекрасная пара
    Stella and David seemed such a perfect couple, therefore I was surprised to hear about their divorce.
  • PhD
    Doctor of Philosophy - доктор философии
    Norman Brown, who is a PhD in Philosophy, has been delivering lectures at the university for many years.
  • pick holes in an argument
    находить слабые места в аргументации
    The judge found it very easy to pick holes in the argument of the lawyer.
  • pick the brains of (someone)
    использовать, присваивать чужие мысли
    John West had the ability of picking the brains of other people.
  • pick up the tab/check
    заплатить по счёту за кого-либо
    We, my sisters, my husband and me, had a nice dinner at the restaurant, and my husband picked up the tab.
  • pie in the sky
    не практичная цель или план
    "Your project is a pie in the sky; I am not going to invest into it."
  • piece of cake
    лёгкий (ая)
    That English book was a piece of cake. It was the easiest book that I had ever read.
  • piece/slice of the action
    доля от прибыли
    The author believed to get a piece of the action from the publishing of his new book.
  • piggy bank
    копилка (в виде свиньи)
    The mother gave Rita a piggy bank to put small coins into.
  • piggyback
    переносить кого-либо на плечах или на спине
    "Dad, I want you to give me a piggyback ride."
  • pinch pennies
    быть экономным, бережливым, "считать копейки"
    Wanda pinches pennies not because she is thrifty, but because she earns very little.
  • pink slip
    уведомление об увольнении
    Jimmy has just received a pink slip, and it has greatly upset him.
  • pit one's wits against (someone)
    бросать вызов кому-либо
    Collin decided to pit his wits against the best scholars of the university.
  • pitch-black
    очень темно, "хоть глаз выколи"
    All the shutters were closed, and it was pitch-black in the room.
  • play ball (with someone)
    сотрудничать с кем-либо
    It is often good business to play ball with the government.
  • play by ear
    играть на слух (по слуху)
    The young woman is blind, and plays the harp by ear.
  • play by the rules
    играть по правилам
    One of the managers refused to play by the rules, that's why he was given the sack.
  • play cat and mouse with (someone)
    дразнить, дурачить; "играть в кошки-мышки"
    "Please, stop playing cat and mouse with me; I want to know your intentions immediately."
  • play chicken
    играть в опасные игры (посмотреть, кто первым испугается)
    A few boys were playing chicken on the playground.
  • play devil's advocate
    не принимать на веру и во всем сомневаться; быть защитником неправедного дела
    Mary offered to play devil's advocate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it.
  • play fair
    играть честно, не обманывать
    The students liked their teacher because he always played fair.
  • play footsie (with someone)
    флиртовать с кем-либо (прикасаться к ногам под столом)
    Nick was trying to play footsie with me during our dinner in the restaurant.
  • play hardball (with someone)
    действовать решительно, круто с кем-либо
    I had to play hardball with my boss to make him agree to my proposal.
  • play hooky
    прогуливать занятия в школе
    Simon often played hooky and never had a valid reason for his absence.
  • play into (someone's) hands
    играть на руку кому-либо
    Fate played into Tim's hands and he got what he was craving for.