Идиомы на букву L

  • like crazy
    как сумасшедший
    They left the house late, and ran like crazy to be able to catch their train.
  • live high on/off the hog
    иметь всё самое лучшее, жить в роскоши и комфорте
    Gina has been living high on the hog since she married a millionaire.
  • lead (someone) around by the nose
    заставлять кого-либо делать то, что хочешь
    "Don't lead me around by the nose. I am not going to do what you want."
  • look down one's nose at (someone or something)
    смотреть свысока, "воротить нос" от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Tamara is very arrogant; she always looks down her nose at everybody.
  • leave (something) out
    не включать что-либо, упускать, пропускать
    The apostrophe means that one or more letters have been left out.
  • let out (someone)
    отпустить (с занятий, практики и, и т.д.)
    The children were let out of class early yesterday because of the parents' meeting.
  • lull before the storm
    затишье перед бурей
    It was the lull before the storm when my boss walked into our office to speak about our new work schedule.
  • let up on (someone or something)
    снять напряжение с кого-либо \ чего-либо, прекратить много работать
    His doctor didn't allow him to work much; he told him to let up on his work schedule.
  • let (someone) off (easy)
    освобождать от наказания
    The judge let Jeremy Brown off easy in spite of the fact that he was guilty of an assault.
  • lay a finger on (someone or something)
    трогать руками кого-либо \ что-либо
    My Mom told me not to lay a finger on the valuable vase because it can be easily broken.
  • let (someone) down easy
    сообщать неприятные новости дружелюбно, ободряющее
    I don't think I'll be able to let her down easy about her not being admitted to the university.
  • last will and testament
    Mr. Brown went to a notary to authenticate his last will and testament.
  • let (something) off
    выстрелить, разрядить ружьё
    In some countries it is a custom to let off firecrackers during the celebrations.
  • like a three-ring circus
    оживлённый, кипучий, хлопотливый
    On the Eve of Christmas shopping centers in Europe are like a three-ring circus.
  • live a life of (something)
    жить какой-либо жизнью
    Felix Moody has been living a life of luxury since he inherited much money from his father.
  • lock horns with (someone)
    сцепиться с кем-либо (в споре, в словесной перепалке)
    Samuel Clemens locked horns with his boss and was immediately fired.
  • live in
    жить в том месте, где работаешь (няня, гувернантка и т.д.)
    Ann decided to get a job where she could live in with her two children.
  • lose sleep over (someone or something)
    потерять сон из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо
    He lost sleep over his recent family problems.
  • lose one's grip
    потерять опору, сорваться
    Miranda must have lost her grip and fell down from the cliff.
  • look to (someone)
    обращаться за помощью к кому-либо, рассчитывать на кого-либо
    Sue had no one but her father to look to.
  • laugh up one's sleeve
    тихо посмеяться (сам с собой), "смеяться в кулак"
    Maria laughed up her sleeve when she learned that her friend had bought a ridiculous dress at the sale.
  • laid-back
    раскованный, беспечный
    My sister is never worried by things; she has a very laid-back attitude about everything.
  • let (something) slip by
    забыть или пропустить что-либо важное
    I let my parent's wedding anniversary slip by without congratulating them on the occasion.
  • lay one's hands on (something)
    найти, приобрести что-либо
    If I can lay my hands on a screwdriver, I'll fix your iron."
  • loaded
    иметь много денег
    I believe my next door neighbor is really loaded.
  • let (something) pass
    не стоит говорить об этом, "проехали"
    He didn't mention my participation in the project, but I decided to let it pass.
  • lay in (something)
    делать запасы чего-либо, откладывать на будущее
    I'd like to lay in a good stock of books for the holidays.
  • lead the way
    вести за собой, прокладывать путь
    "Will you please lead the way because I don't know where your apartment is?"
  • let out (something)
    выпустить, позволить убежать
    My brother didn't want to walk the dog, so he just let it out.
  • leave one to one's fate
    бросить кого-либо на произвол судьбы
    Our flight was canceled because of the storm and we were left to our fate.
  • live down (something)
    заставить забыть, загладить, искупить (вину)
    Patrick couldn't live down his loss.
  • little pitchers have big ears
    дети любят слушать разговоры взрослых
    "Little pitchers have big ears," Jack said when he saw his son standing at the door listening to his conversation with his wife.
  • look like the cat that swallowed/ate the canary
    выглядеть очень довольным собой
    When Linda got the job she wanted, she looked like the cat that swallowed the canary.
  • let out (some kind of sound)
    испустить (звук)
    Steven let out a strange, long sound.
  • look at/see the world through rose-colored glasses
    смотреть на мир сквозь розовые очки
    John is too optimistic and he always looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.