Идиомы на букву L

  • let sleeping dogs lie
    не нарывайся на неприятности, "не буди лиха пока лихо тихо"
    "Don't ask him about his problems; he might get angry. Better let sleeping dogs lie."
  • live out of a suitcase
    переезжать с места на место, "жить на чемоданах"
    Betty's life is quite different now from the way it used to be. She doesn't have to travel so much and live out of a suitcase.
  • leopard can't change its spots
    невозможно исправить человеческую натуру, "горбатого могила исправит"
    My boy friend apologized for having deceived me, but I don't believe him. A leopard can't change its spots.
  • let the cat out of the bag
    проболтаться, разболтать, выдать секрет
    "I meant to have kept my engagement a secret and not let the cat out of the bag."
  • lead a dog's life
    вести несчастную (собачью) жизнь
    Ron has been leading a dog's life since he retired.
  • like two peas in a pod
    кто-либо хорошо знакомый, очень близкий (дословно – как две горошины в стручке)
    My mother's cousin and she are very close; they are like two peas in a pod.
  • laugh one's head off
    долго и много смеяться, надрываться от смеха
    Bob's story was so funny that I laughed my head off.
  • level playing field
    иметь равные шансы (на успех)
    I think both teams have a level playing field and they are both very good.
  • learn by heart
    учить что-либо наизусть
    When I was a child, I was good at learning poems by heart; now my memory is not so good.
  • lose one's shirt
    растратить, "спустить" почти все деньги
    "Don't you think that you may lose your shirt on this new business venture?"
  • look the picture of health
    прекрасно выглядеть
    I was shocked when I learnt about Mark's death; he seemed to look the picture of health.
  • lovely weather for ducks
    дождливая погода
    "Lovely weather for ducks," I thought, walking to my car in the rain.
  • like getting blood out of a stone
    очень трудно получить что-либо от кого-либо (так же, как выжать слезу из камня)
    It is like getting blood out of a stone to try and ask my father for money.
  • learn the ropes
    досконально узнать, как делать что-либо
    I have never worked as a guide before, so I'd like to learn the ropes.
  • let one's hair down
    вести себя свободно, отдыхать и веселиться
    After the dance, the college girls let their hair down and compared dates.
  • little bird told me
    мне стало известно по секрету, "сорока на хвосте принесла"
    A little bird told me that my Mom would give me a nice present for my birthday.
  • look like something the cat dragged in
    выглядеть усталым, "быть выжатым как лимон"
    Wanda was very tired after the flight and looked like something the cat dragged in.
  • like a bat out of hell
    очень быстро, со всех ног, во весь опор
    The thief left the house like a bat out of hell.
  • long in the tooth
    (быть) старым, песок сыплется (длинные зубы у лошади – признак старости)
    My Uncle Ben was very long in the tooth but very spry.
  • lend (someone) a hand
    помочь кому-либо, протянуть руку помощи
    I was going to move to a new apartment and asked my friend to lend me a hand with the packing.
  • let (someone) off the hook
    простить кого-либо, отпустить без наказания
    The teacher let me off the hook, so I didn't have to stay after the lessons to do the lines.
  • like a house on fire
    быстро и энергично
    They worked like a house on fire because they wanted to complete the construction of the bridge by winter.
  • lose one's head over (someone or something)
    потерять голову из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо, разволноваться
    Mr. Winter has lost his head over horse races; he makes bets and loses a lot of money.
  • life is a bowl of cherries
    только хорошее случается в жизни, жизнь хороша
    Life is not a bowl of cherries; good things and bad things go hand in hand.
  • live and learn
    век живи, век учись
    "Live and learn", my father said, having learnt how to use a computer.
  • long face
    унылый вид, кислая физиономия
    He pulled a long face when he heard the news of his former girlfriend's engagement.
  • like a fish out of water
    оказаться совершенно не на месте, "как рыба без воды"
    I felt like a fish out of water when I came to the health club for the first time.
  • look like a million dollars
    прекрасно выглядеть, быть здоровым, счастливым и преуспевающим
    Martha looked like a million dollars when I saw her the other day.
  • look up to (someone)
    уважать кого-либо
    They looked up to him as a brilliant example of devotion to duty.
  • live from hand to mouth
    жить впроголодь, с трудом перебиваться
    Steven had neither work nor home and was living from hand to mouth.
  • let the grass grow under one's feet
    бездельничать, лентяйничать
    Grandpa spends so much time idling that Grandma accuses him of letting the grass grow under his feet.
  • lend (someone) an ear
    выслушать кого-либо
    I don't like to lend an ear to anyone because I am not interested in other people's problems.
  • look like death warmed over
    выглядеть очень больным
    Tim was very pale and looked like death warmed over, so I couldn't help asking him what the matter was.
  • lead (someone) by the nose
    убеждать кого-либо делать то, что хочешь
    "Don't lead me by the nose. I am not going to do what you want."
  • let it rip
    дать полный ход
    William let it rip and left the shore in his motorboat.