Идиомы на букву L

  • look in on (someone)
    нанести краткий визит кому-либо
    "Will you please look in on little Alan and see what he is doing?"
  • lead (someone) to do (something)
    служить поводом для кого-либо, чтобы сделать что-либо
    A loud bang outside the door led the woman to look out of the room.
  • look good on paper
    хорошо смотреться на бумаге (но может быть неприемлемо на практике)
    "Your project looks good on paper, but I am afraid in practice it will be good for nothing."
  • leave/let well enough alone
    оставить всё так, как есть; быть довольным тем, что есть
    "Your son should leave well enough alone and be happy with his team the way it is."
  • land in one's lap
    добавить кому-либо работы
    Some additional work landed in my lap quite unexpectedly and now I'll have to deal with it.
  • look at the world through rose-colored glasses
    смотреть на мир сквозь розовые очки, быть слишком оптимистичным
    Everybody seems to think that I look at the world through rose-colored glasses, but in fact I am very realistic.
  • laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
    приуныть после веселья, от смеха перейти к слезам
    Sloan got a ticket for parking his car in the wrong place and was laughing out of the other side of his mouth.
  • leave (someone or something) in (someone's) hands
    предоставить кому-либо право делать, контролировать что-либо
    Jerome left the packing in his friends' hands.
  • let (something) ride
    продолжать делать что-либо (не изменяя ситуации)
    I advised my friend to forget about the recent problems in her family and let the whole matter ride.
  • live in a fish bowl
    жить в тесноте, бок о бок с другими людьми
    Everybody knew about his life and personal affairs in that small place; it was like living in a fish bowl.
  • let (someone) off
    выпускать (из транспорта)
    The car stopped at the door of a small house and let a young woman with a dog off.
  • look out for (someone or something)
    смотреть внимательно, продолжать искать кого-либо \ что-либо
    They continued to look out for a skilled company secretary.
  • long and the short of it
    короче говоря, вот и весь сказ
    Adam got fired because he didn't do his job well; that's the long and the short of it.
  • like waving a red flag in front of a bull
    злить или раздражать кого-либо
    Talking about our neighbor with my mother is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.
  • let things slide
    относиться безответственно, относиться к делу "спустя рукава"
    "Look at your apartment! It is in a mess. You have let things slide that's why your apartment is so messy."
  • live within one's means
    жить по средствам
    My credo is to live within my means and to spend no more than I earn.
  • live for the moment
    жить одним днём, не планировать на будущее
    If one lives for the moment, he may have difficulties in the future.
  • like it or lump it
    либо принять, либо не принять что-либо
    "I offered you a fair price for the computer, so you can either like it or lump it; it's up to you."
  • lay low
    прятаться, скрываться, не попадаться на глаза
    He was wanted by the police of all the states, so he had to lay low until he could leave the country.
  • look like (something)
    прогнозировать, предсказывать что-либо
    It looks like it is going to snow later in the day.
  • local color
    местный колорит
    The small monastery added some local color to our town.
  • let bygones be bygones
    кто прошлое помянет (тому глаз вон)
    "Let's forget about our quarrel; let bygones be bygones."
  • lock the barn door after the horse is gone
    пытаться исправить положение
    Tina failed the examination and said she would study hard after that. She wanted to lock the barn door after the horse was gone.
  • lady killer
    красавчик, любимец женщин
    Jeremy is a regular lady killer; he has broken the hearts of a lot of women.
  • lay eyes on (someone or something)
    увидеть, заметить
    "How do you know Sara is ugly-looking? You have never laid eyes on her."
  • lay one's hands on (someone or something)
    найти, завладеть кем-либо \ чем-либо, прибрать к рукам
    "If I can lay my hands on a screwdriver, I'll fix your iron."
  • let go of (something)
    выпускать из рук
    He let go of the tea cup; it fell on the floor and broke to pieces.
  • like mad
    очень быстро, как безумный
    I ran like mad but I was still unable to catch up with them.
  • look like the cat that swallowed the canary
    выглядеть очень довольным
    Jeremy looked like the cat that swallowed the canary when he told me about his success.
  • let the buyer beware
    пусть покупатель будет осмотрительным
    "You are going to buy a new computer, aren't you? Please remember the motto is 'let the buyer beware'."
  • look on (someone) as (something)
    считать кого-либо чем-либо
    "Why do you look on him as authority?"
  • lay (something) to rest
    избавиться от чего-либо, "похоронить слухи"
    "I would like to lay the rumors about the problems in our family to rest."
  • let (someone) in on (something)
    сообщить кому-либо что-либо по секрету
    They didn't let their relatives in on their secret plan to buy a new yacht.
  • let on
    выдавать (секрет)
    "Please don't let on to Charley; he would kill me if he knew."
  • like hell
    изо всех сил, стремительно;
    Jim had to run like hell that morning to be able to catch the bus for work.