Идиомы на букву L

  • leave a lot to be desired
    не отвечающий требованиям; "оставляет желать лучшего"
    "Your work performance leaves a lot to be desired."
  • like greased lightning
    очень быстро, как молния
    The dog dashed out of the house like greased lightning.
  • learn (something) by heart
    выучить что-либо наизусть
    The teacher told the pupils to learn the grammar rule by heart.
  • leave (someone) in the lurch
    оставить кого-либо в беде, покинуть в минуту опасности
    Eva's friend left her in the lurch when she had refused to take care of Eva's sick son.
  • love at first sight
    любовь с первого взгляда
    Theirs was love at first sight, but unfortunately it didn't last long.
  • last straw
    последняя капля, предел терпения
    Anna's infidelity was the last straw and we finally broke off our engagement.
  • live up to (something)
    жить согласно каким-либо принципам, быть достойным, оправдывать (ожидания)
    His wife was a famous actress, and he felt he could never live up to her fame.
  • let (something) slide
    пренебрегать чем-либо, запускать, манкировать
    Jack let his studies slide because he had taken a part time job in a shop.
  • look up (something)
    искать слово (в словаре), наводить (справки) о чём-либо
    I looked up all the new words in the dictionary.
  • lie through one's teeth
    врать напропалую
    It is customary for Lorna to lie through her teeth in order to get what she wants.
  • look out for (someone)
    присматривать, заботиться о ком-либо
    "Will you please look out for my little Rocky while I am out?"
  • look down on (someone or something)
    смотреть свысока, презирать
    There is no need to look down on a man just because he is poor.
  • learn (something) the hard way
    учиться на собственном опыте (часто неприятном)
    Tom learned things the hard way when he went to prison for stealing a camera.
  • look at (someone) cross-eyed
    посмотреть косо на кого-либо
    Wendy said something unpleasant, and Dorothy looked at her cross-eyed.
  • law unto oneself
    сам себе закон (о человеке, игнорирующем закон или правила, если они ему не нравятся)
    Johnny's father told him that he must stop being a law unto himself.
  • laugh all the way to the bank
    делать деньги самым невероятным образом
    Jenny was laughing all the way to the bank with the money that she made from selling balloons at the corn festival.
  • look into (something)
    детально исследовать, изучать, расследовать
    "The food has been very poor lately; I want you to look into it."
  • low man on the totem pole
    самый незначительный человек (в организации)
    "Nothing depends on me, you know. I am a low man on the totem pole in our company."
  • labor of love
    бескорыстный или безвозмездный труд
    My volunteer work at the Animal Shelter is a labor of love because I am fond of animals.
  • look after number one
    заботится только о себе, о своих интересах
    Hanna is very selfish; she only looks after number one, and she never helps other people.
  • live beyond one's means
    жить не по средствам
    Timothy has been living beyond his means for quite some time and is now in a serious trouble.
  • life of the party
    весельчак, душа компании
    "I'd like to invite Tom; he is very attractive and the life of the party into the bargain.
  • listen to (someone) with half an ear
    слушать кого-либо не внимательно, в пол уха
    My girlfriend always talks nonsense, so I usually listen to her with half an ear.
  • lay down the law
    устанавливать правило, говорить безапелляционным тоном
    He hated hard-mouthed women who laid down the law and knew more than he did.
  • live (something) down
    пережить что-либо неприятное (стыд, позор)
    Bob lived down the embarrassment of the situation quite easily.
  • like taking candy from a baby
    что-либо что очень легко сделать
    Jack is very good at repairing cars; it's like taking candy from a baby for him.
  • let oneself go
    стать менее скованным
    Pauline went to her friend's party and let herself go for the evening.
  • look forward to (something)
    ожидать чего-либо с удовольствием
    I am looking forward to your prompt reply.
  • landslide victory
    внушительная победа (обычно на выборах)
    This party hopes to win a landslide victory in the coming election.
  • leave no stone unturned
    приложить все старания, испробовать всё средства
    Gina left no stone unturned when she was looking for her passport.
  • live on borrowed time
    жить или работать дольше положенного срока
    My old fridge has been living on borrowed time for quite some time.
  • leave (someone) high and dry
    оставить кого-либо в беспомощном состоянии
    But for Jess's help these people would have been left high and dry.
  • lock, stock, and barrel
    всё (оптом)
    We had to move our business to another town, so we decided to sell everything lock, stock, and barrel.
  • look (someone) up
    навещать кого-либо
    "I doubt that I'll be able to look you up; I've been very busy lately."
  • live by one's wits
    жить своим умом
    "Don't listen to other people's advice. You should live by your wits."