Идиомы на букву L

  • lay down one's life (for someone or something)
    отдать свою жизнь ради кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Thousands of young men laid down their lives for America in the Iraq war.
  • lay off (something)
    прекратить использовать что-либо (алкоголь, наркотики, сигареты)
    Rick promised to lay off drugs, but he didn't keep his promise.
  • leave (someone) alone
    оставить кого-либо в покое
    "Don't disturb me; leave me alone. Can't you see I am busy?"
  • lie in wait
    подстерегать кого-либо, быть в засаде
    The hunter lay in wait for the ducks to appear on the lake.
  • lay waste (to something)
    нанести урон чему-либо
    The storm laid waste to a vast territory.
  • lay up (something)
    копить, запасать
    My mother is planning to lay up vegetables for the winter.
  • live up to one's end of the bargain
    сделать, как было обещано
    Yates promised to supply the shop with mineral water, but he did not live up to his end of the bargain.
  • lap up
    лакать что-либо
    The cat hurriedly lapped up the water because it was very thirsty.
  • lay (something) on (someone)
    перекладывать вину на кого-либо
    "Don't try to lay the blame on me; it's not my fault that the TV set won't work."
  • lay (something) on the line
    говорить прямо и твёрдо о чем-либо, "выложить начистоту"
    Sheila laid it on the line and told Samantha to stop gossiping.
  • leave (something) on
    оставить что-либо включённым или работающим
    "Will you, please, leave the computer on? I am going to work at it."
  • litmus test
    тест, определяющий достоверность чего-либо, лакмусовая бумажка
    My boss's opinion about the project was the litmus test that was used to see if I would be able to cope with the work.
  • lost-and-found
    бюро находок
    I left my camera in the train and went to the lost-and-found office at the train station to regain it.
  • lie in state
    покоиться в открытом гробу (для последнего прощания)
    Mr. Reed had been dead three years; it was in this chamber he breathed his last; here he lay in state.
  • lost in thought
    быть погружённым в свои мысли
    James was lost in thought when somebody knocked on his door.
  • line up
    становиться в очередь, выстраиваться в ряд
    All the recruits were ordered to line up in front of the barracks.
  • law-abiding
    Martha had been a law-abiding citizen all her life.
  • life of Riley
    жизнь в роскоши, приятная жизнь
    Norman Brown has been living the life of Riley since he won a million dollars in a state lottery.
  • lady's man
    дамский угодник, ловелас
    Bill was a lady's man, and like all such men he was vain and conscious of his charm for the opposite sex.
  • lay hold of (something)
    ухватиться за что-либо, овладеть чем-либо
    Olaf laid hold of a hammer and quickly fixed the bench in the garden.
  • lay (someone) to rest
    похоронить кого-либо
    Nancy died two days ago and was laid to rest today.
  • lapse into a coma
    впасть в кому
    The man was run over by a truck and lapsed into a coma after the accident.
  • lead (someone) to believe (something)
    позволить кому-либо поверить чему-либо
    "Why did you lead me to believe that you would pay full price for the house?"
  • little bit
    немного, чуточку
    I only had a little bit to eat this morning and now I feel awfully hungry.
  • learn (something) from the bottom up
    тщательно изучать что-либо с самого начала
    I had to learn accounting from the bottom up.
  • lead/live the life of Riley
    вести роскошную жизнь
    Nancy has been leading the life of Riley since she won a million dollars in a state lottery.
  • leave oneself wide open for (something)
    ставить себя под удар
    Dana left herself wide open for criticism because of her risky actions
  • loom large (on the horizon)
    неясно вырисовываться, маячить (на горизонте)
    The mills loomed large on the horison in the gathering darkness.
  • leave (someone) for dead
    считать кого-либо мёртвым
    Three mountaineers were left for dead when the rescue group could not find any traces of them.
  • lend (oneself/itself) to (something)
    быть приспособленным для чего-либо
    This small restaurant does not lend itself to having a lot of people in it.
  • leave (someone or something) behind
    оставить кого-либо \ что-либо, забыть взять что-либо
    I either lost my umbrella or left it behind somewhere.
  • launch forth (on something)
    пускать в ход что-либо, пуститься во что-либо (объяснение, критику и т.д.)
    The students didn't understand the grammar rule, and the teacher launched forth on a long explanation.
  • loud and clear
    громко и чётко
    He preferred to speak loud and clear.
  • lord it over (someone)
    командовать, распоряжаться
    Aram likes to be bossy and lord it over the other members of the family.
  • leg work
    повседневный, рутинный труд (часто предусматривающий передвижение пешком)
    A postman's job is mostly leg work because he delivers letters to people's homes.