Идиомы на букву S
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so quiet you can hear a pin drop
очень тихо; слышно, как муха пролетитI think I dropped a brick for it suddenly became so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
square meal
сытная едаIn English families dinner, which is eaten between 6 and 7, is usually a square meal.
square accounts with (someone)
рассчитываться, улаживать финансовые дела с кем-либоI didn't trust Jack and had no intention to square accounts with him.
start from scratch
начать с начала, начать на голом местеJeremy started from scratch and now he is quite successful in his business.
strike a sour note
выражать, означать что-либо неприятноеThe Dean's speech about truancy struck a sour note with many students.
snail's pace
очень медленно, черепашьим шагомDuring rush hours the cars downtown usually move at a snail's pace.
stand by
быть наготове, стоять наготовеLifeboats were standing by in case the ship sank.
spin a yarn
сочинять небылицы, привиратьRick liked girls who could talk books and spin a yarn.
speak highly of (someone or something)
хорошо отзываться о ком-либо \ чём-либоThe students spoke highly of their new tutor.
shut the door on (someone)
закрыть дверь перед чьим-либо носомMy next door neighbor is a nosy Parker, and I often have to shut the door on her.
steal the show/spotlight
привлечь к себе всё вниманиеThe pictures of a young talented artist stole the show at the exhibition.
step into the breach
заполнить пробел, незанятое местоDr. Summerfield stepped into the breach and helped the other doctors during the epidemic of flu.
seeing someone
встречаться с кем-либоAfter the divorce Fisher was not seeing anyone for a long time.
send (someone) packing
выставить кого-либо, выгнать без всяких церемонийA drunkard knocked on my door asking for a glass of wine, but I sent him packing.
sweet-talk (someone)
льстить кому-либо"Don't try to sweet-talk me into lending you my laptop."
sit right
приемлемый, подходящий"Is your proposal good enough to sit right with the other members of the family?"
очень чистый, опрятныйGilda takes good care of her house; it is always spick-and-span.
see no objection to (something)
не иметь возражений против чего-либоMrs. Jones saw no objection to her daughter's throwing a party.
sell out
распродать всё целикомEvery spring the company sells out all of their winter goods.
storm is brewing
грядут неприятности, назревает буряI have lost my sister's disks and I am sure a storm is brewing.
stand out
выделяться (на фоне кого-либо \чего-либо)The statue of the Happy Prince stood out against the dark sky.
sell (something) for a song
продать что-либо очень дёшевоThe artist was neither famous nor popular, so he sold his picture for a song.
set a trap
расставить ловушкуThe cops set a trap to try and catch a dangerous criminal.
set (someone) up (in business)
помочь кому-либо начать какое-либо делоA timely legacy helped to set Tom up in his profession.
swing into action
начать действоватьMy parents were about to come home, so I swung into action and started to clean the room.
stand up
выдерживать (высокую температуру или продолжительное пользование)Steel stands up well to high temperature.
shove/force/ram (something) down (someone's) throat
силой получить чьё-либо согласие относительно чем-либо, навязывать что-либо кому-либоI was forced to agree to his conditions because he literally shoved them down my throat.
sell (someone) on a plan or idea
убедить кого-либо, довести до сознания план или идеюI tried to sell my father on the idea that we should buy a new modern car, but I couldn't convince him.
неудача, регресс, задержкаThe family suffered a setback when the head of the family lost his job.
square peg in a round hole
человек не на своём месте, человек не подходящий для данной работыMark has filled the position of a sales manager, but he is like a square peg in a round hole.
stand to reason
иметь смысл, само собой разумеетсяIt stands to reason that the children should spend more time outdoors.
shoot from the hip
говорить прямо и откровенно, "рубить с плеча"Ben always shoots from the hip and as a result gets into trouble now and then.
stitch in time saves nine
то, что делается во время, экономит много труда впоследствии"I think you should have the roof in your house fixed before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine."
swallow (something) hook, line and sinker
безоговорочно поверить, "заглотить наживку"Rick told me about his disastrous situation, and I, being a gullible person, swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
stone's throw away from (something)
очень близко от чего-либоThe post-office is a stone's throw away from the place of my work.