Идиомы на букву S

  • same to you
    то же самое относится к тебе
    "The same to you," I told my brother when he said I was absent-minded.
  • set sail
    отправляться в плавание, отплывать
    We knew that Captain Alison was about to set sail for Australia and we came to say good-bye to him.
  • set (something) on its ear
    заинтересовать кого-либо чем-либо
    The new project set the company on its ear. Everyone got very excited.
  • speak up for (someone or something)
    говорить в пользу, в защиту кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Jonathan is always ready to speak up for the unemployed and the homeless.
  • Shut your mouth!
    замолчать, заткнуться
    Silvia's bragging got on my nerves, so I asked her to shut up.
  • spoon-feed (someone)
    чрезмерно опекать кого-либо, "кормить с ложки"
    The young mother is too considerate and literally spoon-feeds her ten-year-old daughter.
  • stick-in-the-mud
    отсталый, не современный человек
    My Grandfather is an old stick-in-the-mud.
  • sail right through (something)
    быстро и легко закончить что-либо
    I wasn't able to sail right through my essay; it took me a lot of time to finish it.
  • shake hands on (something)
    пожать руки (в знак взаимного согласия)
    They shook hands on the agreement that they would coordinate their actions.
  • strike at the heart of (something)
    ударить в самое сердце
    Her husband's infidelity struck at the heart of Mira's idea of a happy family life.
  • set one's mind at rest
    успокоиться, избавиться от сомнений или тревоги
    I told my friend to set his mind at rest and not to worry about his future.
  • stand for (something)
    означать, символизировать
    In the Roman numerals the letter "C" stands for one hundred.
  • strike a bargain
    заключить сделку, прийти к соглашению
    I wanted to strike a bargain with my friend to buy his computer.
  • set the table
    накрывать на стол
    "We'll have lunch soon. Will you set the table, please?"
  • slap on the wrist
    легкое наказание, шлепок по руке
    Bobby received a slap on the wrist for having told his mother a lie.
  • something-minded
    сосредоточиваться на чём-либо, думать только об одном
    Jeremy Smith is money-minded; all he thinks about is money.
  • sink one's teeth into (something)
    начать серьёзно работать (над проектом, проблемой)
    I sank my teeth into my research.
  • search one's heart/soul
    раздумывать (над чем-либо)
    Since his wife's death in a car crash, Tim had been searching his soul to see if he could have prevented the accident.
  • sit in judgment of (someone)
    выносить суждение кому-либо
    The members of the jury are to sit in judgment of the drug dealers' case.
  • stand in (someone's) way
    стоять на пути кого-либо, быть барьером для чьих-либо желаний или намерений
    Sam did not want to stand in his ex-wife's way to happiness.
  • step out of line
    нарушать дисциплину, порядок; шалить, плохо себя вести
    My aunt's children often step out of line, and it makes her very angry.
  • sadder but wiser
    наученный горьким опытом
    Johnny was sadder but wiser after his best friend had let him down.
  • stop short of (doing something)
    перестать, прекратить делать что-либо
    I stopped short of telling my brother to clear the mess in his den.
  • scare (someone) out of his or her wits
    (внезапно) страшно напугать кого-либо
    Suddenly I saw a man's shadow on the glass door and it scared me out of my wits.
  • set up (someone)
    подставить кого-либо
    Henry was accused of the crime he had not committed; he was sure that his partner had set him up.
  • saddled with debt
    (быть) обременённым долгами
    The shop owner is saddled with debt and must sell his shop as soon as possible.
  • sleep like a log/baby
    крепко спать, "спать как убитый"
    I slept like a log and didn't hear my alarm-clock, which was trying to wake me up.
  • same old story
    старая история, старая песня
    It is the same old story with Steve. He promises to help but he never does.
  • see to it (that something is done)
    позаботиться о том, чтобы что-либо было сделано
    Hudson saw to it that the staff meeting was short.
  • sit bolt upright
    сидеть совершенно прямо (словно аршин проглотил)
    Peter sat bolt upright without moving.
  • speak up
    говорить громко и отчётливо
    "I'd like you to speak up so that everybody in class can hear you."
  • second wind
    второе дыхание
    After they got their second wind, they continued to rake the hay.
  • set forth (something)
    излагать, объяснять что-либо чётко и ясно
    I would like to set forth my views on the subject.
  • set great store on (someone or something)
    (высоко) ценить кого-либо \ что-либо
    Our art teacher sets great store on her gifted students.
  • strike (someone) as funny
    показаться смешным кому-либо
    Jean's new hat, of which she was very proud, struck me as funny.