Идиомы на букву S

  • scratch one's head
    приводить в замешательство, озадачивать кого-либо
    I left Jenifer scratching her head after I told her the news of Harry's engagement.
  • scream one's head off
    пронзительно кричать
    When Mary saw a mouse, she screamed her head off.
  • should have one's head examined
    вести себя неразумно, как сумасшедший
    "You must be crazy to buy that outdated computer. You definitely should have your head examined."
  • stand (something) on its head
    придать чему-либо противоположное значение, исказить, поставить с ног на голову
    We didn't agree with them because they stood this important matter on its head.
  • stand on one's head (to do something)
    делать большие усилия
    Jordan did everything but stand on his head to help his friend quit smoking.
  • stick one's head in a noose
    навредить себе, сунуть голову в петлю
    Bob borrowed a large sum of money thus sticking my head in a noose.
  • swelled head
    Marcia has a swelled head; she thinks that she is the most gifted person in her class.