Идиомы на букву S
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speak out of turn
говорить невпопадMaria is in the habit of speaking out of turn when the teacher asks her questions.
set up (something)
создавать что-либо, учреждать, снабжать (деньгами)The local government provided the money to set up an animal shelter.
set (something) right
исправить, починить что-либоIt is really very trying that whenever anything goes wrong it is I who have to set it right.
sound (someone) out
стараться выяснить чьё-либо мнение, "зондировать почву"Simon made it his duty to sound out the members of the staff.
so to speak
так сказатьGreg was not a bad guy, so to speak, although few people liked him.
set about to (do something or go somewhere)
приступать, начинать (делать что-либо или идти куда-либо)"I want you to set about to do your work as soon as possible."
say the word
выразить, высказать желание"Say the word and it will be done."
sell (something) at a loss
продать что-либо с убыткомThe factory was made to sell their goods at a loss.
should have one's head examined
вести себя неразумно, как сумасшедший"You must be crazy to buy that outdated computer. You definitely should have your head examined."
set up shop (somewhere)
создать рабочее место где-либоDesmond decided to move to Chicago and set up shop there.
swallow one's pride
подавить самолюбие, проглотить обидуWanda had to swallow her pride and ask her employer for a higher salary.
supposed to do (something)
предполагалось сделать что-либо"Am I supposed to believe all that crap?"
set out (somewhere)
отправиться куда-либоIn 1912 the Titanic set out on a voyage never to return from it.
sack out
лечь спать, "вырубиться"I was so tired that I sacked out as soon as I got into bed.
strike a balance (between two or more things)
находить компромисс между крайностямиPaul was never able to strike a balance between his work and his hobby.
strike (someone's) fancy
нравиться, вызывать интересI like thrillers; and the novels by Mary Higgins Clark always strike my fancy.
sixth sense
шестое чувство, интуицияMy sixth sense prevented me from trusting the man.
sweat bullets/blood
нервничать, очень беспокоитьсяDuring the interrogation the man was sweating blood.
set (someone) back on his or her heels
удивить, шокировать, ошеломитьHillary's impudence set me back on my heels.
shoot the works
не жалеть затрат или усилий, чтобы сделать что-либоSteve's parents are planning to shoot the works with the wedding reception for their only son.
seeing is believing
верь тому, что видишьSeeing is believing, and I can only really believe what I experience personally.
set type
устанавливать шрифт, набирать шрифтThe book will be published shortly; they are setting type now.
say grace
произнести молитву (перед или после еды)The children were supposed to say grace before each meal.
solid as a rock
стабильный, заслуживающий доверия, "твёрдый как скала"The City bank is said to be as solid as a rock.
stand up for (someone or something)
отстаивать, защищать, поддерживатьA man must be able to stand up for his rights.
spread oneself too thin
пытаться делать слишком много одновременноNever try to spread yourself too thin if you want to accomplish much.
set (someone or something) loose
отпустить кого-либо \ что-либо на волюI set my dog loose and he was happily running around.
stand in awe of (someone or something)
испытывать благоговейный трепет перед кем-либо \ чем-либоI stood in awe of Turner's pictures exhibited in the National Gallery in London.
such as it is
такой как есть (неважного качества или не имеющий ценности)You can use my bicycle, such as it is, but it's not in very good condition.
say one's piece
высказаться откровенноLinda said her piece and hurriedly left the room.
stop dead
резко остановитьсяOn seeing me Pam stopped dead.
string (someone) along
обмануть, одурачить кого-либоCharley doesn't intend to marry Pat - he is just stringing her along.
settle on (something)
решиться на что-либоThey settled on the trip to Japan.
сидячая забастовкаThe miners had a sit-in to demand better and less dangerous working conditions.
sweet and sour
сладко-кислый (вкус)I don't like dishes with a sweet and sour taste.