Идиомы на букву S
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split one's sides (with laughter)
надрываться от смеха, "лопнуть со смеху""I'll tell you a good story which will split your sides with laughter."
stuck up
быть кичливым, высокомернымTim is too stuck up for my liking; he insolent and conceited.
sticky wicket
затруднительный ситуация (досл. липкие воротца в крикете из-за дождя)The snow had made a sticky wicket out of the roads and there were a lot of accidents that day.
set one's heart against (something)
быть настроенным против чего-либоAt first my mother set her heart against taking a dog from the animal shelter, but then she yielded to her son's request.
shake (someone) down
получить деньги путём угроз, "потрясти кого-либо"Lionel had to shake Noel down to get the money the latter owed him.
shot in the dark
случайный догадка, догадка сделанная наобумI imagined that his intentions were not quite decent though on my part it was a shot in the dark.
sitting duck
лёгкая добыча, удобная мишеньA sitting duck is easy to kill, isn't it?
shape up or ship out
или исправься или уходиYou must shape up or ship out if your job performance is not up to the mark.
sound like a broken record
повторять, твердить одно и тожеMrs. Larkin sounded like a broken record when she told her husband to clear the mess in his den.
sing (someone's) praises
превозносить кого-либо, восхвалять"I had a note from my mother-in-law in which she sang your praises very loudly."
steer clear of (someone or something)
избегать кого-либо \ чего-либоEva has been steering clear of Wanda since she borrowed $.220 from her.
sitting on a goldmine
владеть чем-либо ценным (часто не понимая этого)My father's stamp collection is very valuable; he is sitting on a goldmine with it.
stand behind (someone or something)
поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо"I will always stand behind you whatever you do."
set (someone or something) free
освободить кого-либо \ что-либоThe bird got trapped in the net, and I set it free.
someone's fingerprints are on (something)
оставить следы (отпечатки пальцев) на чём-либоThe criminal's fingerprints were on everything in the room; he had not been very careful.
stand over (someone or something)
стоять над душой у кого-либо, контролировать что-либо"I don't want you to stand over me to make sure that I am doing my homework."
set the stage for (something)
подготовиться к чему-либоOur football team set the stage for the final games which are to take place in summer.
stir (someone or something) up
расшевелить кого-либо \ что-либо, разозлитьMaida's strange story stirred up my curiosity.
speak ill of (someone)
плохо отзываться о ком-либоThe tenants spoke ill of their apartment manager.
send (someone) up the river
посадить кого-либо в тюрьмуSandra Ross hoped that the judge wouldn't send her up the river if she plead bargain.
screw up
напортить, причинить неприятности"You have screwed up my plans for the weekend; I will have to stay at home because of you."
sell (someone) a bill of goods
обмануть кого-либоThe salesman sold me a bill of goods when he said that the digital camera was of good quality.
sit on (something)
заседать, быть членом жюри или правленияAlthough Mr. Kane has retired he still sits on the board of many corporations.
spitting image of (someone)
точная копия кого-либоClara's son is a spitting image of her husband.
stand clear of (something)
держаться подальше от чего-либо"Please stand clear of the window or else you might catch cold."
stand off from (someone or something)
держаться в отдалении от кого-либо \ чего-либоEmily is a very shy child; she usually stands off from the other children of her age.
shuffle the cards/deck
изменить политику, "перетасовать колоду"It is not wise to shuffle the deck in the middle of an economic crisis; it may cause even more uncertainty.
sit back
быть построенным на каком-то расстоянии от улицыThe church sits back a few hundred meters from the street.
sky's the limit
без ограниченияThe sky is the limit for my uncle; he can make all the money he craves for.
sage advice
мудрый совет"You are always trying to give me sage advice; I am sick and tired of it."
stretch the point
не так строго соблюдать правила, сделать исключениеI asked my employer to stretch the point and allow me to have flexible working hours.
second-guess (someone)
предугадать чьи-либо действияIt is next to impossible to second-guess what Steve would do in a risky situation.
sit (something) out
высидеть; досидеть до конца, не участвуя в чём-либоWanda had to sit out dances because nobody invited her to dance.
second a motion
согласиться с предложением, одобритьSimon seconded the motion that the office hours should be an hour longer.
second hand
использованный, не новыйMaria bought some second-hand clothes for her baby son.