Идиомы на букву S

  • swamped with (something)
    быть загруженным чем-либо, быть заваленным
    At present the firm is swamped with orders for their goods.
  • slowly but surely
    медленно, но верно
    If you do something slowly but surely, it will be done properly.
  • shoot out (something)
    выбрасывать вперёд
    Suddenly the man's hand shot out and cracked across Lanny's mouth.
  • send (someone) up
    засадить кого-либо в тюрьму
    He had enough evidence to send Hobson up for quite a long time.
  • sell (something) off
    распродать со скидкой, распродать по дешёвке
    They usually sell off winter clothes at the end of the season.
  • shadow of oneself/itself
    (осталась) лишь тень от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Gala has lost a lot of weight and now she is a shadow of herself.
  • start up (something)
    создать что-либо, начать делать что-либо
    Steven started up a printing business not long ago.
  • settle a score with (someone)
    отомстить, отплатить кому-либо той же монетой
    It's no use trying to settle a score with Mike for something that happened a few years ago.
  • settle for (something)
    довольствоваться меньшим, чем хотелось бы
    I changed my job and for a while I had to settle for less than I had been paid before.
  • sit in for (someone)
    подменить кого-либо, занять чьё-то место
    My co-worker asked me to sit in for him in the lab during an experiment.
  • sport of kings
    скачки (спорт королей)
    Horse racing or the sport of kings is very popular in the U.K.
  • sell (something) out
    распродать, продать всё целиком
    I went to the bookstore to get an English textbook, but the salesperson said they had sold them out.
  • set forth (somewhere)
    отправляться куда-либо
    Stan set forth somewhere without saying where he was going.
  • survival of the fittest
    выживание сильнейших
    The survival of the fittest means the continual existence of those animals and plants which are best adapted to their surroundings.
  • sit in on (something)
    принимать участие в чём-либо
    Though he had no vote, he was allowed to sit in on the conference.
  • spare (someone) (something)
    пощадить кого-то (чтобы не слушать что-либо)
    "I wish you could spare me your complaints; I am in no mood to listen to them."
  • so far
    пока что
    Jill has been traveling around Europe; she has visited four countries so far.
  • stand off (someone or something)
    держать кого-либо \ что-либо на расстоянии, отдалять
    They were not able to stand off the rival teams and as a result they lost the tournament.
  • steal a base
    делать что-либо тайком, красться
    Jimmy Carter is one of the best baseball players; he can easily steal a base during the game.
  • sit on its/their hands
    скупо аплодировать, встречать жидкими аплодисментами
    The performance of the clown was very poor, and the audience in the circus sat on their hands.
  • shoot the breeze/bull
    болтать попусту
    Margaret and her friends like to shoot the breeze when they get together.
  • sail into (someone)
    ругать или критиковать кого-либо, "наехать на кого-либо"
    As soon as David entered the house, his wife sailed into him for having come home very late.
  • step on the gas
    нажать на акселератор, увеличить скорость
    "Please, step on the gas. I am late for work as it is."
  • straight and narrow
    прямой жизненный путь, (быть честным и законопослушным)
    Ronald had the straight and narrow route through life.
  • speak for (something)
    попросить что-либо, выразить просьбу
    It was very cold in the hospital ward, and the patients spoke for hot water bottles.
  • suit oneself
    делать всё, что захочется
    "Can I do the kitchen while you are at work?" - "Suit yourself."
  • sign up for (something)
    записаться на что-либо, присоединиться
    My friend and I signed up for a folk dance class.
  • strike out at (someone or something)
    ударить или напасть на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Somebody struck out at me and snatched my purse.
  • settle (something) out of court
    уладить что-либо во внесудебном порядке
    There was some controversy between the company and the union, but it was finally settled out of court.
  • separate the men from the boys
    отделить более компетентных людей от менее компетентных
    I am not at all sure that joining the military is a good way to separate the men from the boys.
  • sit back and let (something) happen
    ни во что не вмешиваться
    I decided to sit back and let things happen because I didn't want to interfere in their dispute.
  • sweet nothings
    нежные, но ничего не значащие слова
    Jimmy whispered sweet nothings into my ear, but I ignored them.
  • sunny-side up
    яичница, поджаренная только с одной стороны
    I like my eggs to be fried sunny-side up.
  • sort (something) out
    прояснять, приводить в порядок
    I will have to sort out all my things before moving to a new apartment.
  • shake up (something)
    перестроить что-либо
    The new sales manager decided to shake up the company in order to bring new energy into the department.