Идиомы на букву S
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sow one's wild oats
прожигать молодость, совершать необдуманные поступкиPaul wasn't one of those young men who sowed his wild oats; he was a fairly decent youth.
scream bloody murder
горько сетовать, жаловатьсяThe girl screamed bloody murder when her purse had been stolen.
shut off
изолировать, быть в отдаленииTheodor's house was shut off from the other houses in the area.
stock up on (something)
запастись чем-либоThey stocked up on wood before making a camp fire.
shoot up (drugs)
вкалывать наркотикиI suspected that Ursula was shooting up drugs.
split (something) fifty-fifty
разделить что-либо поровну"Let's split the household jobs fifty-fifty."
shoot straight
действовать, поступать честноAlan always shoots straight when he is dealing with his friends.
since time immemorial
с незапамятных времёнSince time immemorial women have been using make up and dying their hair.
stop at nothing
ни перед чем не останавливатьсяMy friend is a very stubborn person; she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
straw that breaks the camel's back
потерять терпение, переполнить чашу терпенияWhen the secretary lost an important document for the third time it was the straw that broke the camel's back, and the boss decided to fire her.
serve time
сидеть в тюрьме, "мотать срок"The man has robbed a bank and now he is serving time.
sell (something) on credit
продавать что-либо в кредитThe shop sells a lot of things on credit.
shoot one's wad
истратить все деньги, "промотать деньги"I guess Mark has shot his wad at a casino.
sweat it out
терпеливо пережидать что-либо (неприятное)There were no vacant rooms in the hotel, and we had to sweat it out until someone signed out.
splurge on (something)
потратить много денег на что-либоThey splurged on a beautiful new house in the suburbs of Toronto.
sit up with (someone)
сидеть (ночью) у постели больногоThe nurse sat up with her patient all night.
shop around for (something)
ходить по магазинам за чем-либоI shopped around for new shoes but was not able to purchase anything decent.
shake up (someone)
потрясти или расстроить кого-либоThe prices are rising and it shakes up many people in this country.
slip up
ошибиться, сделать ошибкуJack was sure that Rita had slipped up when she said that Mr. Grover was in his office.
second thought
дальнейшие соображения, пересмотр решения"On second thought maybe I should join you to go on an excursion."
signed, sealed and delivered
сделано по правиламThe document has been done correctly, following all the necessary procedures; it was signed, sealed and delivered.
start out as (something)
начать карьеру в качестве кого-либоHe started out as an ordinary employee and in a few years became chief executive.
sweetheart deal
благоприятная, взаимовыгодная сделкаThey made a sweetheart deal with a traveling agency to have the price of the tickets reduced.
simmer down
остыть, успокоитьсяWilliam was very angry with his wife, but after a while he began to simmer down.
send (someone) off
устраивать кому-либо проводыMy father-in-law was leaving for Canada, and we went to the airport to send him off.
stop off (somewhere)
сделать остановку где-либо (на непродолжительное время)I had run out of sugar and milk, so I decided to stop off at the supermarket and do the shopping.
small/fine print
мелкий шрифтIt's necessary to pay attention to the fine print before you sign a document or a contract.
sum and substance
самая суть, квинтэссенцияThe sum and substance of his objections boils down to the following.
shake off an illness
выздороветь, стряхнуть с себя болезньI took some medicine for my sore throat to shake off the illness.
small/wee hours (of the night/morning)
первые часы после полуночи, предрассветные часыMy Uncle Ben died in the small hours of the night.
step up (something)
усиливать что-либо, ускорятьProduction in that particular industry could be greatly stepped up with more effective methods.
shake/quake in one's boots
трястись от страхаLinda must have seen a ghost for she was shaking in her boots.
второразрядныйThe radio-set which my brother bought is not of the best quality; it's definitely second-rate.
shaken up
быть потрясённым или расстроеннымI was deeply shaken up by my friend's death.
stick up for (someone or something)
защищать кого-либо \ что-либо, поддерживать"I am very grateful to you for having stuck up for me."