Идиомы на букву S

  • square things up with (someone)
    отдать долг, рассчитаться с кем-либо
    Bob is reluctant to square things up with me and give me the money that he had borrowed.
  • stack up (something)
    складывать что-либо
    I stacked up the used newspapers to throw them away.
  • smoke (someone or something) out
    выкурить кого-либо \ что-либо, избавиться
    They tried everything in order to smoke out hornets, but nothing helped.
  • spout off about (someone or something)
    слишком много говорить о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Pamela is fond of spouting off about her baby son.
  • so much
    столько-то, (так) много
    Jordan had so much to think about.
  • somebody up there loves/hates me
    кто-то на небе благоволит ко мне или ненавидит меня
    "Somebody up there hates me," he said, "I have been out of luck lately."
  • square up to (someone or something)
    смело противостоять кому-либо \ чему-либо
    "It's time you learned to square up to difficulties and problems and sort them out yourself."
  • squeak by (someone or something)
    еле-еле успеть; подступиться к кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Unfortunately I was not able to squeak by the deadline and submit my grant application on time.
  • signal to (someone) to do (something)
    подать кому-либо сигнал сделать что-либо
    The teacher signaled to one of the boys to help her carry heavy textbooks.
  • square off to do (something)
    принять боевую стойку, приготовиться (спорить или драться)
    The two dogs squared off to fight for their own territory.
  • stoop to (doing something)
    снизойти до чего-либо
    I will never stoop to gossiping about other people's private affairs.
  • skip bail
    не появиться в суде, не смотря на внесённый ранее залог
    "I cannot guarantee that the man won't run away; he may easily skip bail."
  • speak one's piece/mind
    откровенно высказать кому-либо своё неодобрение
    I am going to speak my mind and tell my boss about the shortcomings in our work.
  • squawk about (something)
    громко жаловаться на что-либо
    Mona is the type of person who likes to squawk about everything.
  • soil one's diapers
    пачкать пелёнки
    Marion's baby soils its diapers almost every hour.
  • something's up
    что-то происходит
    I do not know what is going on in the neighbor's apartment, but I am sure that something's up.
  • size of it
    вот так то; вот, пожалуй, и всё
    "That's about the size of it," Jill said as she told me about her misfortune.
  • smoke (something) out
    обнаружить, найти что-либо, выведать
    Steve decided to smoke out the reason why Richard had concealed important evidence from the police.
  • smear campaign (against someone)
    клеветническая кампания (против кого-либо)
    I am sure someone is running a smear campaign against the president of our company.
  • spook (someone)
    пугать, испугать кого-либо
    My dog is afraid of thunder storms and they always spook him.
  • somewhere in the neighborhood of (an amount of money or something)
    где-то в районе (количество денег или чего-либо ещё)
    There were somewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand people at the demonstration.
  • show (someone) to his or her seat
    провести на место
    The movie had already begun and I asked the usher to show me to my seat.
  • slave to (someone or something)
    быть рабом кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Mr. Murdoch is a slave to his old car, which breaks down every few miles.
  • strictly on the level
    быть честным, надёжным, заслуживающим доверия
    The bank clerks that the customers deal with are always strictly on the level.
  • shuttle (someone) from place to place
    возить кого-либо взад-вперёд
    The ship was too big to dock at the port, so the boatmen shuttled the passengers from the ship to the shore all day.
  • sign on with (someone)
    подписать соглашение с кем-либо
    Nancy has signed on with the Chief Executive of one of the pharmaceutical firms.
  • so mad that one could scream
    безумно злой
    Linda got so mad that she could scream when the secretary had made a lot of mistakes in the document.
  • strictly on the up-and-up
    честный, справедливый и прямой
    I never do business with anyone if everything is not strictly on the up-and-up.
  • something else again
    что-то совсем другое
    Staying at home all day is OK, but staying at home when my siblings go to a movie is something else again.
  • sock (something) away
    убирать, прятать что-либо в укромное место
    I have decided to sock my clothes away for the time when my daughter's kids can wear them.
  • slated for (something)
    планировать, намечать
    The house is slated for restoration next month.