Идиомы на букву S
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so much for (someone or something)
довольно (говорить) о ком-либо \чём-либо"So much for that; you are not going to come here again!"
shrug (something) off
не обращать внимания на что-либо, игнорироватьThe boy said something rude, but I shrugged off his insults.
son of a sea biscuit
сукин сын (более мягкое выражение)"Son of a sea biscuit," Sam exclaimed when he saw his younger son chasing hens in the yard.
serve notice on (someone)
вручить уведомление кому-либоThe firm served notice on its employees that their salaries would be cut down since next month.
swear on a stack of bibles
поклясться на библииThe witness swore on a stack of bibles before he gave his testimony.
scare (someone) silly
сильно напугать кого-либоMrs. Brown is afraid of mice, and when she saw a mouse run out from under her bed, it scared her silly.
shut one's face/trap
замолчать, заткнутьсяSilvia's bragging got on my nerves, so I asked her to shut her trap.
shove (something) down (someone's) throat
навязывать что-либо кому-либоI was forced to agree to his conditions because he literally shoved them down my throat.
stack the cards/deck for or against (someone or something)
настроить кого-либо за или противMarion felt that they had stacked the cards against her, that she had never had a fair choice.
seize an opportunity
воспользоваться случаем, ухватиться за возможностьI seized the opportunity to get cheap tickets for the concert.
show (something) to good advantage
показать что-либо в выгодном светеThe student tried to show his knowledge to good advantage at the exam.
stumble into (somewhere)
войти спотыкаясь (в комнату)Felix stumbled into the living-room and stretched himself on the sofa.
suck (someone) in
обманывать кого-либоGeorge looked down in the mouth, but his appearance couldn't suck me in.
stuff and nonsense
ерунда, чепуха"Do you want to know what I think of it? I suppose that's all stuff and nonsense."
stick together
держаться вместеThe teacher told the children to stick together when they went to the museum.
sleep (something) off
проспаться, отоспатьсяJeremy had too much to drink last night and is now sleeping the effects off.
sound like (something)
кажется что …It sounds like David is cross with you because you didn't call him yesterday.
split (someone) up
отделить кого-либо, разделить, разделиться,The guide split the hikers up into two groups.
side with (someone)
выступать в поддержку кого-либоMy mother-in-law always sides with her son when we quarrel with my husband.
scale (something) down
уменьшить что-либо (равномерно и пропорционально)I decided to scale down my plans for buying fishing tackle.
stick (someone) with (something)
оставить кому-либо исполнять неприятное заданиеMy older sister tried to stick me with cleaning all the windows in the house.
switched on
быть на самом современном уровне (относительно идей, моды, увлечений)My boy friend is switched on modern music.
stamp out (something)
искоренять что-либо"I would like you to stamp out your bad habits."
snap (something) up
расхватать что-либоThe bargains were quickly snapped up by women shoppers.
split ticket
бюллетень с несколькими кандидатами от различных партийDuring the election I am going to vote for a split ticket, that is, for candidates from more than one political party.
smile on (someone or something)
быть благосклонным, расположенным к кому-либо \ чему-либоI couldn't understand if my instructor was smiling on me or not.
такой-то, такой сякой (о человеке, который вам не нравиться)Nobody likes that so-and-so. He has a really unpleasant personality.
сигнал бедствия, СОС (спасите наши души)The Titanic was sending out SOS signals, but the Carpathia was too far away from the ship and couldn't come to its rescue.
shirk one's duty
пренебрегать своими обязанностями, уклоняться от работыThe nanny was shirking her duty; she didn't take good care of the kids.
start over/off with a clean slate
начать всё сначала, начать с чистого листа"I advise you to ignore the past and start over with a clean slate."
swing (something)
смочь сделать что-либоI am not sure if I will be able to swing throwing a party.
sick of (someone or something)
надоедать, испытывать неприязнь к кому-либо \ чему-либоMy work is very boring and I am sick of it.
smack into (someone or something)
врезаться в кого-либо \ что-либоA truck ran smack into Carry's car.
separate but equal
отдельный, но равноправный, одинаковыйThe two documents, which he was to sign, were separate but equal regarding their significance.
расположение, детали обстановки"That's a nice setup you have here."