Идиомы на букву S

  • snow (someone) under
    быть заваленным, загруженным, обременённым
    Jeff has been snowed under with correspondence since his secretary was taken ill.
  • split up
    разойтись, прекратить отношения по взаимному согласию
    Our company split up due to the founder's untimely death.
  • strike it rich
    внезапно разбогатеть, преуспеть, "напасть на золотую жилу"
    Elvira struck it rich when she had won one million dollars in a state lottery.
  • stand (something) on its head
    придать чему-либо противоположное значение, исказить, поставить с ног на голову
    We didn't agree with them because they stood this important matter on its head.
  • scream one's head off
    пронзительно кричать
    When Mary saw a mouse, she screamed her head off.
  • share and share alike
    делить поровну, в равных долях
    Landgrave bequeathed the whole of his property to his nieces and nephews share and share alike.
  • save the day
    спасти положение
    "There is no use being angry with me for applying to Sam for help; I had to save the day."
  • see through (someone or something)
    видеть кого-либо \ что-либо насквозь
    Nora suddenly quit her job, and I could neither understand nor see through the real reason for doing it.
  • see the sights
    осматривать достопримечательности
    I am very fond of going places and seeing the sights.
  • sick at heart
    быть очень расстроенным
    When I learnt about my cousin's troubles with the law, I became sick at heart.
  • second nature to (someone)
    чья-либо вторая натура
    It is second nature to Della to talk nineteen to the dozen.
  • stop in one's tracks
    внезапно остановиться, "встать как вкопанный"
    Having turned the corner Ron stopped in its tracks; he must have seen something unusual.
  • salt away (money)
    сберечь, сэкономить деньги
    I was able to salt away some money for my holiday.
  • stand on one's head (to do something)
    делать большие усилия
    Jordan did everything but stand on his head to help his friend quit smoking.
  • show-and-tell
    демонстрировать, показывать и рассказывать
    The teacher asked her students to bring their favorite toys for show-and-tell.
  • small potatoes
    что-либо небольшое или незначительное
    The amount of money for the road is small potatoes compared to the cost of the bridge.
  • smooth sailing
    лёгкое продвижение вперёд, "всё идёт как по маслу"
    To fix up a party is smooth sailing; we don't expect any obstacles or problems.
  • shot in the arm
    прилив энергии
    I did a lot of work yesterday probably because of a shot in the arm.
  • show (someone) the door
    указать кому-либо на дверь, заставить уйти
    When a drunken man began to raise hell in the bar, the manager immediately showed him the door.
  • strike up a conversation with (someone)
    начать разговор с кем-либо, заговорить
    I struck up a conversation with the lady sitting next to me on the plane.
  • set off (something)
    выделять, оттенять
    The blue frock which Dina wore that day set off her beautiful eyes.
  • step right up
    продвигаться вперёд по направлению к кому-либо \ чему-либо
    The booking-clerk told me to step right up when I was waiting for my turn to pay for my ticket.
  • sit tight
    терпеливо ждать
    "I want you to sit tight and wait for me near the counter while I am doing my shopping," the mother told her eight-year-old girl.
  • safety in numbers
    чувство надёжности в окружении большого количества людей
    A lot of people were swimming in the rough sea, and I thought the risk was reduced because there is safety in numbers.
  • slow as molasses in January
    быть очень медлительным
    My granddaughter is as slow as molasses in January when she walks to school in the morning.
  • set eyes on (someone or something)
    увидеть кого-либо \ что-либо
    I hope I'll never set eyes on that guy again.
  • see about (something)
    проследить за чем-либо, проконтролировать
    "I want you to see about getting the work finished."
  • set (something) to music
    положить что-либо на музыку
    The composer has set the legend of Robin Hood to music.
  • shake hands with (someone)
    пожать руки в знак приветствия
    Chan shook hands with his friend when he met him outside the office.
  • sticky fingers
    склонность к воровству
    Little Bobby has sticky fingers, and his mother watches him all the time.
  • strike out
    не удаваться, потерпеть неудачу
    I struck out in my attempt at fund rising.
  • spit in (someone's) eye
    оскорблять или раздражать кого-либо
    His remarks insulted me as if someone had spit in my eye.
  • see the handwriting on the wall
    знать, иметь предчувствие, что что-то произойдёт
    I saw the handwriting on the wall and was aware that our small business would soon go bankrupt.
  • slap in the face
    оскорбление, пощёчина, оплеуха
    Brett hadn't expected that Dina would refuse to go out with him; it was a slap in the face for him.
  • show one's hand
    раскрыть карты, обнаружить истинные намерения
    Hillary was very evasive about it all as if she didn't want to show her hand to me.