Идиомы на букву O

  • of age
    быть совершеннолетним
    In England young people come of age when they are twenty-one.
  • open season on (someone or something)
    открыть сезон охоты на кого-либо \ что-либо; свободно критиковать
    "Why are you criticizing me all the time? Have you opened season on me?"
  • OAU
    Organization of African Unity - организация Африканского единства
    Zimbabwe is a member of the OAU.
  • on the warpath
    быть очень злым, доставлять неприятности
    "Don't disturb your father, children. He is on the warpath today; you'd better stay out of his way."
  • OAP
    Old Age Pensioner - пенсионер
    This store often gives discount that was to OAPs.
  • on all fours
    на четвереньках
    Sam was down on all fours as he was looking for his slippers.
  • on (someone's) doorstep
    забота о ком-либо или ответственность за кого-либо
    When Eric left for Germany, the responsibility for feeding his dog arrived on my doorstep.
  • on the spot
    быть в трудной или неловкой ситуации
    The politician was put on the spot when the reporter asked him about the taxes.
  • open for business
    открыться (о магазине, ресторане и т.д.)
    This small jeweler's shop has been open for business since last year.
  • once or twice
    один или два раза
    Allan went to Egypt for his holiday once or twice.
  • off the subject
    не по теме, не относится к предмету обсуждения
    Allan started talking off the subject, but I stopped him.
  • of course
    Dora has invited me to stay with her this weekend; of course, we'll go.
  • on target
    цель, плановое задание
    The pharmaceutical company is on target to have its best year of sales ever.
  • once in a lifetime
    один раз в жизни
    Sara understood that she could get that chance once in a lifetime.
  • on the up and up/on the up-and-up
    преуспевать в жизни, "быть на подъёме"
    "I see you are on the up and up; you must be making very good progress in life."
  • on tiptoe
    на цыпочках
    Her son was asleep, and the mother went on tiptoe so that she might not wake him up.
  • on side
    (перетянуть) на свою сторону
    They finally got the apartment manager on side in their request not to raise the rent so far.
  • on behalf of (someone)
    от имени кого-либо
    "On behalf of our teaching staff I'd like to congratulate you with your success."
  • open up on (someone or something)
    напасть на кого-либо \ что-либо, открыть огонь
    The man with a revolver opened up on the policemen who were trying to detain him.
  • odd (something)
    нечётный, непарный; необычный, странный
    There were a few odd stools in the kitchen.
  • ocean(s) of (something)
    очень большое количество чего-либо
    The library contains oceans of various books and magazines.
  • on the hot seat
    быть под прицелом критики
    Jack was on the hot seat when the policeman started to ask him the questions to which he couldn't give any answers.
  • on good terms with (someone)
    в хороших, дружеских отношениях
    They have never been on good terms with their neighbors.
  • of late
    недавно, в последнее время
    Of late I haven't seen any of my classmates.
  • on the right track
    на верном пути
    Jack was on the right track in his search for a good rifle.
  • offbeat
    необычный, не традиционный
    The picture hanging on one of the walls was definitely offbeat; it looked upside down.
  • open (something) up
    открыть что-либо, распаковать
    She was afraid to open the parcel up; it seemed to her there was something horrible in it.
  • once-over
    беглый взгляд или осмотр
    The doctor gave the patient a once-over and pronounced him to be getting better.
  • out of one's mind/head/senses
    быть сумасшедшим, глупым, неразумным
    Silvia's friends thought she was out of her mind to have married Sullivan.
  • OD
    Overdose - передозировка (лекарств)
    It was reported that several young men died because of a drug OD.
  • open fire on (someone)
    открыть огонь по кому-либо; выступить против кого-либо
    The security guard was about to open fire on the man who had got onto the territory of the factory.
  • on record
    официально зарегистрированный
    Nobody knows for sure when the famous artist was born, but the date of his death is on record.
  • odor of sanctity
    ореол святости
    There is an odor of sanctity in the Lincoln Cathedral.
  • on a par with
    равноценный (по важности или качеству)
    Ms. Higgins' latest book was on a par with her previous ones.
  • over with
    подойти к концу, закончиться
    When the performance was over with, the audience began to pour out of the auditorium.