Идиомы на букву O
on the contrary
наоборотI thought that the performance would be dull, but on the contrary it turned out to be quite interesting.
on a splurge
кутить, разбрасываться деньгами, выставлять напоказWe really went on a splurge last week and ate out every night.
on the whole
в целом"How do you like this film on the whole?"
outsource (something)
использовать внешние ресурсы чего-либоThe food production company outsourced many of their products.
on probation
быть условно освобождённым, находиться под присмотром полицииThe teenagers were on probation for robbing a cigarette store.
on the job
работатьI work as a hairdresser and have been on the job for two years.
on the sly
тайком, украдкойJill left the house on the sly; she didn't want anybody to see her.
on the way (somewhere)
по пути куда-либоOn the way to the house my dog attacked a cat and worried a dog twice as big as he.
on location
на натуре (о съёмках фильма)The movie was shot on location in the Alps.
opposite sex
противоположный полThe changing rooms in the school gym are divided into two parts for the members of the opposite sex.
on land
на сушеThe sea was very rough, and we wished we were on land.
on line
в Интернете, он лайнThere are a lot of tests in various fields of knowledge on line.
on call
по вызову, по требованиюHer job of a children's doctor requires being on call whenever her small patients need her.
on occasion
изредка, время от времениI stay with my relatives in the country on occasion.
on the hour
точно в определённый часThe nurse was supposed to give the medicine to the patient on the hour.
outside the box
не быть связанным устаревшими представлениямиI am not bound by outdated ideas; I can be creative and think outside the box.
on hold
в ожидании, во временной задержкеThe construction of the dwelling house is on hold because the construction company has run out of money.
on the average
в среднемOn the average the employees in this bank work thirty-six hours per week.
on consignment
вид договора, по которому товары владельца продаются в магазинеTony went to the store to buy some computer stuff that was on consignment.
on the loose
на свободеThe crocodile, which had escaped from the circus, was on the loose for two weeks.
over the long run/haul
в течение длительного периода времениOver the long run Tom has been dreaming of expanding his business.
on guard
быть начеку, насторожеShe was afraid of dark streets and was on guard when she had to walk along them.
on any account
под любым предлогом, с любой цельюFanny was not going to join the joggers on any account.
on/upon (someone's) head
навлечь на свою головуPaul brought his parents' anger down on his head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle.
on standby
в ожиданииWe had been on standby for train tickets for a week before we finally got them.
one's lucky stars
чья-либо счастливая звездаI don't have my lucky stars because nothing brings me luck or success in life.
on (someone's) head
(ответственность) на ком-либоThe responsibility for cleaning the house has been on my head for years.
on faith
(принять) на веруJulia is very gullible and takes many things on faith.
on par with (someone or something)
быть на равнее с кем-либо \ чем-либоThe travel agencies in London are on par with the best ones in New York.
on the lookout for (someone or something)
зорко смотреть, следить за кем-либо или чем-либоFelix collected stamps and was always on the lookout for new ones.
Operating Room - операционная (в больнице)The patient was taken to the OR to be operated on for appendicitis.
on the wrong track
иметь неправильное представление или неверную линию поведения"I am sure you are on the wrong tack; you may have misunderstood their intentions."
on time
во время, по расписаниюThough our flight in San Francisco was delayed, we arrived in Chicago on time.
on the strength of (something)
в силу чего-либо, на основании чего-либоShe considerably improved her relations with her neighbors on the strength of her kind attitude to them.
on top
быть лидером, быть во главеTim is a very capable student, and this semester he is on top of his class.