Идиомы на букву O
on one's coat-tails
в результате чьих-либо усилийThis deputy was elected on his rich sponsors' coat-tails.
on the level
честный, правдивый, честное слово"Zeta and Sloan are both trustworthy; they are on the level, I assure you."
out of favor (with someone)
в немилости, не в честиJack was out of favor with his teacher because he had missed a lot of classes.
open to (something)
(быть) открытым для новых идейOur manager was open to new ideas; and it was interesting to work with him.
once and for all
окончательно, раз и навсегдаThe father told his son once and for all that he would not let him use his car.
on the dot
точно вовремяIf John says that he coming at six on the dot, he will be here at exactly six o'clock.
on the block
пустить в продажуAfter they bought the company they had to put some of the equipment on the block.
on the air
быть в эфире, передаваться по радио или телевизоруThe talk show had been on the air for a rather short period of time because it turned out to be quite dull.
on one's guard
осторожный, бдительныйI saw that Tim was on his guard, but I didn't know the reason of his cautiousness.
open Pandora's box
обнаружить ещё больше проблем, (ящик Пандоры)"Don't open Pandora's box; you might discover more problems than you can cope with."
one's stamping grounds
часто посещаемое, излюбленное местоI often go to my old stamping grounds which I visited as a child.
on everybody's lips
у всех на устахThe airplane crash, which happened a week ago, is still on everybody's lips.
on credit
(покупать) в кредитWe have just purchased a few furniture items on credit.
one's feet are on the ground
практичный, прочно стоящий на земле человекMy mother is a hard-working woman and she always has her feet on the ground.
off the wagon
взяться за старое (снова начать пить)Ron is off the wagon again. He stopped drinking for a while but now he is doing it again.
occur to (someone)
прийти в голову, дойти до кого-либоIt suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten to send Emily a birthday card.
on vacation
(быть) в отпуске или на каникулахI am supposed to be on vacation for two weeks either in June or in July.
over and over
неоднократно, много раз, повторноShe asked for help over and over, but no one gave her a hand.
off the beam
неверный, ошибочныйWhat our boss said about the new rules was off the beam.
on the horizon
на горизонте; то, что скоро произойдётThe government promised that there would be new reforms on the horizon.
on the move
в движении, в перемещении (с одного места на другое)Pam is traveling in Western Africa; she has been on the move for a few weeks now.
on a diet
на диетеI have been on a diet several times this year, but nothing helps me to lose weight.
on a dime
на очень ограниченном месте, "на пятачке"His new boat is very powerful and is able to start on a dime.
on the heels of (something)
вскоре после чего-либо, вслед за чем-либоJohn came that morning on the heels of his letter and insisted on seeing his cousin.
over and done with
закончитьRon wanted to get project over and done with as soon as possible.
не по центруThe picture on the wall was off-center, so I had to put it right.
on the alert (for someone or something)
быть бдительным, зорко следить за кем-либо \ чем-либоThe police were on the alert for the bank robbers.
on the double
очень быстро, поскорееThe tap in the bathroom started to leak, and my father asked me to bring him the tools on the double.
on speaking terms with (someone)
в дружеских отношениях с кем-либоMy friend quarreled with his mother-in-law, and hasn't been on speaking terms with her ever since.
on board
на борту корабля или самолётаThey got on board the ship and headed straight for their cabin.
on campus
на территории колледжа или университетаThere is a good library on campus which we often attend after our classes.
on ice
быть отложенным или замороженнымOur plans were put on ice, and we are afraid that no action will be taken for the foreseeable future.
on the road
ездить, путешествовать (особенно для коммивояжёров или актёров)My friend is a traveling salesman and is often on the road.
on end
бесконечноRita's husband devotes hours on end to his hobbies.
Organization of African Unity - организация Африканского единстваZimbabwe is a member of the OAU.