Идиомы на букву O

  • on the market
    быть в продаже, быть выставленным на продажу
    I have been looking for swim suits which may be on the market already.
  • over with
    подойти к концу, закончиться
    When the performance was over with, the audience began to pour out of the auditorium.
  • on the bench
    вести заседание суда
    When I entered the courtroom, the judge was already sitting on the bench.
  • open with (something)
    начать(ся) с чего-либо
    The parents' meeting opened with a speech from the school psychologist.
  • on a first-name basis (with someone)
    быть хорошими друзьями, быть на "ты"
    "Are you on a first-name basis with your former boss?"
  • on duty
    на дежурстве или при исполнении служебных обязанностей
    "Who is on duty today?" the teacher asked.
  • on the button
    быть как раз вовремя
    George arrived at the airport right on the button only to find out that his flight had been canceled.
  • one heck/hell of a (someone or something)
    уникальный, редкий (как хороший, так и плохой)
    Jim is one hell of a driver; he never pays attention to traffic signs.
  • on your marks
    на старт (команда перед началом забега)
    The judge shouted "on your marks, get set, go" and the race began.
  • on the beam
    нормальный, правильный, (попасть) в точку
    What the Dean said about the attendance was right on the beam.
  • on the fence (about something)
    не принявший решения, не решившийся
    My friend was on the fence about his new job.
  • on sale
    в продаже (часто по сниженной цене)
    There were a lot of swim suits on sale.
  • on the horns of a dilemma
    испытывать затруднение при выборе
    They were on the horns of a dilemma as they couldn't decide where to go for their holidays to Italy or to Spain.
  • over (someone's) head
    (сделать что-либо) через чью-либо голову
    They did not receive any answer from the manager, so they went over his head and talked to the chief executive.
  • on purpose
    с умыслом, намеренно
    Somebody must have left the door unlocked on purpose.
  • overnight (something)
    послать что-либо, так чтобы доставка была на следующий день
    I wanted to have the documents delivered the next day, so I decided to overnight them.
  • on trial
    быть под судом
    Tamara Cobra is on trial for shoplifting.
  • or words to that effect
    другими словами
    My mother advised me not to date my new boy friend or words to that effect.
  • open a conversation
    начать разговор
    If you want to open a conversation with a stranger, you'd better start with the weather.
  • on impulse
    (что-либо) незапланированное
    My brother purchased a digital camera on impulse.
  • on the take
    брать взятки
    I don't believe that Tom Sanders is on the take, he looks such an honest guy.
  • on (someone's) account
    ради кого-либо
    They decided to buy a bigger house on their children's account.
  • on a fool's errand
    напрасные поиски, глупая затея, безнадёжное дело
    I tried to buy a good used car, but it seems I was on a fool's errand.
  • open and aboveboard
    (быть) честным, открытым
    Charles Willows and Brothers is a very good consulting company; they are open and aboveboard and they run their business very honestly.
  • opening gambit
    благоприятная возможность, уступка для получения преимущества в дальнейшем
    "What about making a few concessions as your opening gambit?"
  • on the wagon
    бросить пить, "завязать"
    My uncle is on the wagon, he has stopped drinking alcohol.
  • on the fritz
    испортиться, сломаться
    My computer is on the fritz and I may have to purchase a new one.
  • offensive weapon
    холодное оружие
    When the young man was arrested, they found an offensive weapon on him.
  • other fish to fry
    другое (более важное) дело
    I didn't want to join them for a picnic; I had other fish to fry.
  • on bended knee
    с большим смирением
    Elena went to me on bended knee to ask me to help her with her English homework.
  • one's name is mud
    плохая, "подмоченная" репутация
    Henry's name is mud now because he got involved in a car fraud.
  • order of the day
    то, что необходимо сделать; распоряжение
    The flood caused much destruction in the town, and the order of the day was to clean everything up.
  • on order
    (доставка) по заказу
    The department store has a lot of things on order.
  • on shaky ground
    шаткое, неустойчивое положение
    Sam Willow's position in the firm had been on shaky ground for a long time before he decided to resign.
  • on account
    (покупать) в рассрочку
    I'd like to purchase a laptop on account at the local department store.