Идиомы на букву O

  • on the edge of one's seat
    нервно ожидать чего-либо, "сидеть на краешке стула"
    Tim was on the edge of his seat all morning; he was waiting for the telegram from his mother.
  • out of this world
    удивительный, сказочный
    Dina's new attire was out of this world; it was extremely beautiful.
  • old flame
    бывшая подруга (друг)
    I had quite a shock last night. I ran into an old flame of mine.
    Прошлой ночью у меня был настоящий шок. Я столкнулся со своей бывшей подругой.
  • out of tune
    (быть) не расположенным к кому-либо, не в ладу с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Jeffry is out of tune with his company.
  • over the hill
    не в состоянии работать, как прежде; "время ушло"
    My work performance is not what it used to be; I am definitely over the hill.
  • out and about
    быть всё время в движении
    I am glad that Ms. Smith is out and about again; she was seriously ill not long ago.
  • out of the blue
    Eva hadn't expected that Jack would propose marriage; it came out of the blue.
  • on the ball
    быть умным и способным
    The boy is on the ball and can easily do difficult sums.
  • out to lunch
    сумасшедший, "тронутый"
    "You must be out to lunch to suggest our sailing during the storm."
  • over the top
    чрезмерный, излишний
    His anxiety about his health is over the top.
  • only have eyes for (someone)
    быть верным только одному кому-то, смотреть только на одного
    Julian was in love with Theresa and only had eyes for her.
  • open up a can of worms
    создать ненужные осложнения или проблемы
    Wanda didn't want to create unnecessary complications; she decided not to open up a can of worms.
  • one sandwich short of a picnic
    не сообразительный, "одного винтика не хватает"
    My neighbor is one sandwich short of a picnic; he is not very smart.
  • on the tip of one's tongue
    вертится на языке (не припомню)
    I know his name; it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite remember it at the moment.
  • off the top of one's head
    (знать) на память, (быть) спонтанным, не подготовленным заранее
    George knew all the facts and figures in the report off the top of his head.
  • off the beaten track
    оригинальный, не избитый; мало известный
    When we went to the country, we had dinner in a cafe that was off the beaten track.
  • once in a blue moon
    очень редко
    I used to go to the beach once in a blue moon.
  • one man's meat is another man's poison
    что полезно одному, то вредно другому
    One man's meat is another man's poison and while my friend doesn't like fish, I love it.
  • on one's mind
    занимать все мысли
    "I'm glad you want to talk about this problem. It's been on my mind for days."
  • on the face of it
    на первый взгляд, судя по внешнему виду
    The idea is absurd on the face of it.
  • on thin ice
    (быть) в рискованной ситуации, "идти по тонкому льду"
    The girl was on thin ice as she continued to miss classes at the university.
  • on the same wavelength
    мыслить одинаково, "быть на одной волне"
    Jack and John were on the same wavelength, they both had the same opinions about their boss.
  • out of the corner of one's eye
    мельком взглянуть, увидеть краем глаза
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel approaching me.
  • one at a time
    каждый отдельно, по одному
    While eating meat, cut off a piece and eat it one at a time.
  • off-the-cuff
    без подготовки, экспромтом
    Joe prefers to speak off the cuff; he can very well do it without any preparation.
  • off-color
    нездоровый вид, непристойная шутка, не совсем тот цвет
    Tom finds delight in telling off-color jokes.
  • on a shoestring
    с ограниченными средствами
    Greg decided to start his small business on a shoestring.
  • out of order
    (быть) испорченным, не работать
    I couldn't use my hair dryer because it was out of order.
  • old hat
    My furniture is old hat and I am going to get rid of it.
  • out cold
    быть без сознания, упасть в обморок
    The girl was out cold when they found her lying in the street.
  • out of season
    несвоевременно, не во время, в неподходящий момент
    Fresh vegetables are generally out of season in winter unless they are grown in hot houses.
  • out for blood
    желать наказать кого-либо, жаждать крови
    The boy's mother was out for blood when she discovered that he was doing badly at school.
  • on top of the world
    быть на седьмом небе, на верху блаженства
    The baseball players were on top of the world after they had won the game.
  • out of hand
    (выйти) из-под контроля
    The situation with the ransom money suddenly got out of hand and the police didn't know what to do.
  • one's flesh and blood
    близкий, кровный родственник
    Susan is my flesh and blood so I was shocked when I learnt that she had got involved in a fraud.