Идиомы на букву O

  • out of sight
    вне поля зрения
    We drove faster and faster and soon the small village was out of sight.
  • on one's heels
    позади, следом
    When Steve walks his dog Fluffy, it is always on his master's heels.
  • out of stock
    распродано, не имеется в наличии (о товаре)
    I wanted to buy a pair of pantyhose, but they were out of stock that afternoon.
  • once in a while
    иногда, время от времени
    I go to visit my Aunt Theresa once in a while.
  • one-night stand
    одноразовое представление
    The amateur drama theater gave a one-night stand last week.
  • off duty
    свободный от дежурства, вне службы
    The security guard was off duty; he was going home when he noticed a stranger hanging around the parking lot.
  • out of (something)
    закончиться, истощиться (о запасах)
    I ran out of coffee and had tea for breakfast instead.
  • one good turn deserves another
    долг платежом красен
    I was happy to help Dana with an essay after she had helped me with my English homework. One good turn deserves another, you know.
  • one that got away
    упущенная возможность, не пойманная рыба
    John said that he had caught a lot of fish, but the biggest one was the one that got away.
  • open one's heart to (someone)
    довериться, рассказать о своих чувствах
    There were just the two of us in the compartment and my fellow traveler started to open her heart to me.
  • on (someone's) shoulders
    (ответственность) на чьих-либо плечах
    The responsibility for organizing the homecoming ball was on Miss Cobbler's shoulders.
  • off like a shot
    быстро, моментально уйти; стремительно убежать
    The burglar was off like a shot when he heard the alarm starting to ring.
  • on one's own time
    в свободное время
    My boss told me to make my personal phone calls on my own time but not at work.
  • one's lucky number comes up
    кому-либо выпадает счастье, удача
    At last Felicity's lucky number came up; she was able to find a well-paid job.
  • on an even keel
    ровно, спокойно
    They had their small printing shop running on an even keel.
  • off one's high horse
    перестать важничать
    "I want you to get off your high horse and stop acting as if you were better than other people."
  • one's frame of mind
    расположение духа, состояние ума
    "Make sure your Dad is in a good frame of mind before you ask him for some pocket money."
  • one's hands are tied
    (чьи-либо) руки связаны
    Larry's hands were tied at that time, and he could do nothing to help me.
  • one-two
    быстрые, решительные действия
    George gave me the one-two and I quickly agreed to lend him some money.
  • on one's best behavior
    (быть) чрезвычайно вежливым
    I told my son to be on his best behavior when we went to visit my friend.
  • one's days are numbered
    чьи-либо дни сочтены
    I think Steve's days at work are numbered; he had been very rude to the customers and they complained.
  • out-of-date
    устаревший, вышедший из моды
    "Look at this dress! Don't you think it is out-of-date?"
  • on edge
    раздражённый, в нервном состоянии или в нетерпении
    Her nerves have been on edge since she discovered her husband's infidelity.
  • out of necessity
    по необходимости, вследствие нужды
    The owner of a small shop had to close his business out of necessity. The shop was not profitable.
  • out in left field
    неуместный или необычный
    Sam asked silly questions which were out in left field. I am sure he has no idea about the subject of the conversation.
  • one in a hundred
    один \ одна из сотни
    About one in a hundred of the toys produced in China are dangerous for children's health.
  • out of town
    за городом, в отъезде
    My husband is a truck driver and he is out of town most of the time.
  • over the hump
    закончить трудную часть (чего-либо)
    That is the most difficult part of the project, but fortunately we are over the hump with it.
  • out of gas
    кончилось горючее (в машине); быть усталым, разбитым
    Sue had run out of gas three hundred meters from the filling station, and Bill offered to tow her car.
  • one after another
    один за другим
    I understood the meaning of the proverb 'it never rains but it pours' when misfortunes began to come one after another.
  • on one's toes
    быть в состоянии активности
    Our lecturer keeps the students on their toes by giving them a lot of interesting information.
  • one and all
    все, все вместе
    The members of the council one and all were devoted to the public good.
  • out of control
    неудержимый, неконтролируемый, дикий
    The baseball fans were out of control after their team had lost the game.
  • out of shape
    бесформенный; в плохой физической форме
    Mary's dress hung loose on her body; it was definitely out of shape.
  • open (someone's) eyes to (something)
    открыть кому-либо глаза на что-либо
    Dan took pity on Kelly and wanted to open her eyes to what was going on in her family.