Идиомы на букву O
one's goose is cooked
погубить себя, пострадать от собственных козней, вырыть себе ямуMy brother's goose is cooked. Soon my father will discover that Paul has damaged his car.
off one's hands
(сбыть) с рук, избавитьсяJeremy managed to sell his old car and was happy to get it off his hands.
on the ropes
(быть) в отчаянном положении, на грани пораженияTheir swimming team was on the ropes, and it seemed impossible for them to win the competition.
open the door to (something)
открыть путь к чему-либо, сделать возможнымThe new university program will open the door to many possibilities for the students.
out of sorts
(быть) в плохом настроенииJeremy is feeling a bit upset and depressed; he is definitely out of sorts.
out of one's league
неравный кому-либоI soon discovered that my new acquaintance was out of my league.
on the rocks
проблемные отношения, разваливающийся бракMr. Noodle's business and his marriage were both on the rocks.
on the nose
точно в назначенное время или местоWe agreed to meet outside the movie theater at six and I arrived on the nose.
one in a million
уникальный, один на миллионMy music teacher is very gifted; she is one in a million.
on cloud nine
на седьмом небе (от счастья)Olaf was on cloud nine because he had found a very well paid job at last.
of the old school
приверженец старой школыMy mother's attitudes to the way people should be dressed are of the old school.
One person's trash is another person's treasure.
Что ценно одному, бесполезно другому.One person's trash is another person's treasure that's what my father used to say bringing home old car spare parts.
on one's own
самостоятельноMy sister is married and lives on her own.
odd man out
третий лишнийThe two of them were chatting merrily and I felt as if I were the odd man out in their company.
out of the red
вылезти из долговI am happy that my small company is out of the red at last.
out of character
не характерноQuarreling with neighbors is out of character for my mother. She almost never argues with people.
out of the woods
вне опасностиAlthough Thornton was rapidly recovering from the flu, he was still not out of the woods.
odds and ends
остатки, обрезки, разные мелочиThe tailor made a suit for the boy out of the odds and ends of the cloth.
of two minds
быть в нерешительности, сомневатьсяI am of two minds whether to go to Elmer's party tonight. On the one hand I like Elmer on the other I hate parties.
out-of-pocket expenses
расход собственных денежных средствSalem went on a business trip to Mexico and his out-of-pocket expenses were very high.
on the same page
мыслить одинаковоMy wife and I, we both were on the same page about buying a new house.
out of the question
(быть) недопустимым, "об этом не может быть и речи""Your traveling alone in the jungle is out of the question."
over one's head
не в состоянии понятьAll this is over my head; I am not able to understand what they want.
out of consideration for (someone or something)
из уважения к кому-либо, из расчёта чего-либоThe police did not release the names of the offenders out of consideration for the investigation.
out of breath
прерывисто дышать, запыхатьсяJim stopped near the entrance; he was out of breath because he had been running.
off base
неверный, ошибочный, неточныйThe economist was off base with his estimation of the firm's profit.
out like a light
очень быстро заснутьI was so exhausted that went to bed early and I was out like a light.
off one's back
перестать докучать кому-либо, беспокоить кого-либо"I wish you would get off my back and stop asking me silly questions."
on the point of (doing something)
собираться делать что-либоWe were on the point of leaving the house when all of a sudden it started to rain.
out on one's ear
заставить кого-либо сделать что-либо против воли, силой (выгнать с работы, из дома)The student failed to pass exams and was quickly out on his ear.
over the worst
выздоравливать, худшее позадиLittle Jenny was seriously ill. She is much better now; actually she is over the worst.
out of one's hair
надоедать кому-либоMy little brother is bothering me and I'd like to get him out of my hair.
out of spite
из неприязни, назлоMy neighbor is a very unpleasant woman and she does a lot of things just out of spite.
off the wall
странный или глупый"I am surprised at you! Your remarks are very much off the wall."
out of line
неприемлемыйHis project to organize a private zoo is out of line. It is not acceptable.