Идиомы на тему Hand and Arm

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  • change hands
    перейти из рук в руки
    The small cafe has changed hands many times since it was opened two years ago.
  • up in arms
    быть готовым к борьбе, сопротивлению
    The students are up in arms over the new rule against parties in the dorm.
  • play into (someone's) hands
    играть на руку кому-либо
    Fate played into Tim's hands and he got what he was craving for.
  • have/keep one's finger on the pulse
    быть в курсе дела, держать руку на пульсе
    I am aware what's going on in the office; I am keeping my finger on the pulse.
  • put one's hands on (something)
    завладеть чем-либо
    I would like to put my hands on a good computer.
  • put one's finger on (something)
    обнаруживать точное местонахождение чего-либо
    Sandra was not able to put her finger on the exact place where she had lost her purse.
  • have clean hands
    быть не виноватым, иметь "чистые руки"
    George had nothing to do with the stock cheating; he had clean hands and did not need to worry about the scandal.
  • have one's hands full (with someone or something)
    быть полностью занятым кем-либо \ чем-либо
    I always have my hands full with household jobs.
  • fold one's hands
    сложить руки, бездействовать, "палец о палец не ударить"
    Dora folded her hands and watched her husband quietly while he was trying to fix the car.
  • first hand
    непосредственно из первых рук
    Ann Bradley learned about her son's serious illness first hand when she spoke to the doctor who was treating him.
  • have (something) in one's hands
    иметь что-либо в руках (документы); иметь контроль или ответственность за что-либо
    "I will let you know when I have a visa to the USA in my hands."
  • point the finger (of blame) at (someone)
    винить кого-либо в чём-либо, "указать пальцем на кого-либо"
    "I don't wish to point the finger of blame at Mark, but I am sure that he is the guilty person."
  • bite one's nails
    нервничать, грызть ногти
    I was biting my nails as I waited for the results of the test.
  • take (someone or something) off (someone's) hands
    избавить от кого-либо \ чего-либо
    "Can you possibly take this problem off my hands?"
  • hand in hand
    держась за руки
    I saw Miranda and her husband walking hand in hand.
  • do (something) by hand
    делать что-либо вручную
    In the past almost all household jobs were done by hand.
  • to be on hand
    (быть) в наличии, в распоряжении, имеющийся налицо
    The shop has a large stock of clothes on hand.
  • hands off
    не вмешиваться, "руки прочь"
    "I understand your hands off approach to the problem, but I am sure it won't get you anywhere."
  • high-handed
    любящий распоряжаться, властный
    A teacher shouldn't take a high-handed approach when dealing with her pupils.
  • show of hands
    открытое голосование, голосование поднятием рук
    It was proposed that we vote by a show of hands.
  • at hand
    близко, под рукой
    There was no dictionary at hand, so I didn't look up the new words.
  • hand over fist
    быстро и легко, проворно
    During the World War the company had made money hand over fist.
  • Many hands make light work
    Когда рук много, работа спорится.
    Many hands make light work and lots of people helped clean the town after the hurricane.
  • with hat in hand
    униженно, смиренно
    I was about to come to my friend with hat in hand to ask him to forgive me.
  • firm hand
    твёрдая рука
    The governor ruled the province with a firm hand.
  • arm in arm
    (идти) под руку, рука об руку
    John and Mary were walking along the street arm in arm.
  • wrap (someone) around one's little finger
    полностью контролировать кого-либо, быть под каблуком у кого-либо
    Sue is very popular with boys, and she can easily wrap any of them around her finger.
  • win (something) hands down
    выиграть с лёгкостью, шутя одержать победу
    The tennis player won the game hands down.
  • put one's hand to the plow
    взяться за трудное дело
    Stella put her hand to the plow in order to clean the whole house.
  • putty in (someone's) hands
    легко поддаваться чьему-либо влиянию, быть как воск в чьих-либо руках
    Kelly is very naLve and trustful; she is like putty in people's hands.
  • join hands
    взяться за руки
    "I would like all those present to join hands and say the prayer."
  • sit on one's hands
    сидеть сложа руки, бездействовать
    I sat on my hands and watched the other members of the family clean the living-room.
  • have a hand in (something)
    принимать участие в чём-либо, быть частично ответственным за что-либо
    The police were sure that Ron Noland had a hand in the car fraud.
  • right hand does not know what the left hand is doing
    правая рука не знает, что делает левая, отсутствие согласованности
    I am sorry to say but there isn't any appropriate communication in the company that's why the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
  • bound hand and foot
    быть связанным по рукам и ногам
    Three family members were bound hand and foot by a stranger who into their apartment last night.