Идиомы на тему Hand and Arm

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  • arm in arm
    (идти) под руку, рука об руку
    John and Mary were walking along the street arm in arm.
  • armpit of (somewhere)
    самое плохое место в округе
    This residential quarter is the armpit of the city, and nobody wants to live there.
  • cost an arm and a leg
    стоить много денег
    Though our new house cost an arm and a leg it is worth every cent; it is big and comfortable.
  • give one's right arm (for someone or something)
    отдать что-либо ценное за кого-либо \ что-либо
    Sam would give his right arm for the opportunity to see Fanny again.
  • long arm of the law
    неизбежное наказание, "у закона длинные руки"
    No matter where a criminal is he will be found and punished due to the long arm of the law.
  • pay an arm and a leg (for something)
    заплатить кучу денег за что-либо
    They paid an arm and a leg for their new house.
  • receive (someone) with open arms
    встретить кого-либо с распростертыми объятиями
    When my friends came to visit us, we welcomed them with open arms.
  • shot in the arm
    прилив энергии
    I did a lot of work yesterday probably because of a shot in the arm.
  • twist (someone's) arm
    силой заставлять кого-либо (делать что-либо)
    I often have to twist my son's arm to make him eat properly.
  • up in arms
    быть готовым к борьбе, сопротивлению
    The students are up in arms over the new rule against parties in the dorm.
  • welcome (someone) with open arms
    радушно приветствовать, встречать с распростертыми объятиями
    They welcomed the delegation with open arms.
  • with open arms
    тепло, радостно встречать кого-либо; встречать с распростертыми объятиями
    My friends were happy to see me and they greeted me with open arms.