Идиомы на букву C
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come clean
признаваться, сказать правду"I want you to come clean and tell me what really happened."
come in low
предложить низкую ценуOur product was not selling well, so we had to come in low.
come out with (something)
сказать что-либо, выступить с заявлениемRonald came out with all the news we wanted.
cross the Rubicon
сделать шаг, после которого нельзя ничего изменить "перейти Рубикон"If you have crossed the Rubicon, it means you can't but agree to support their policy.
come to life
оживать, прийти в себя, развеселитьсяThe party was extremely dull, and it was only towards the end of it that we came to life.
come down in the world
опуститься, потерять прежнее положениеLindson used to be a great artist, but unfortunately he came down in the world.
chip in (money)
вносить деньги, платить в складчинуMy friends and I decided to chip in some money to buy a birthday present for Lucy.
cock of the walk
важная персона, хозяин положения (употребляется иронично)John thinks that he is cock of the walk and that everyone must do what he wants.
carte blanche
карт-бланш (свобода или разрешение делать что-либо)Steve wanted to be given carte blanche to change the policies in his department.
cut (someone) down to size
доказать чью-либо несостоятельностьMy boss tried to cut me down to size when he showed to me a few mistakes in my project.
catch (someone) off balance
застать кого-либо врасплохI caught Sally off balance when I said that her rental lease had expired.
cast doubt on (someone or something)
поставить под сомнение что-либоThe evidence presented by a witness of the crime cast doubt on the truthfulness of her testimony.
Come and get it!
Обед готов. Садитесь есть.I quickly laid the table for dinner. "Come and get it," my mother called out from the dining-room.
come by (something)
получать что-либо, наживать, добыватьThe best things are hard to come by.
cream puff
неприспособленный к жизни человекJeremy is a regular cream puff and he is easily influenced by other people.
всё, чем можно довольствоваться (о еде)We were very busy at the weekend, so our meals were catch-as-catch-can.
come up
случиться, внезапно произойти"I know that you are worried about your parents. I'll let you know if something comes up."
captain of industry
глава индустрииMr. Noseterman is a captain of industry; he knows his duties very well.
chicken out of (doing something)
струсить, не сделать что-либо из-за страхаSarah chickened out of skiing in the mountains.
clear the table
убирать (посуду) со столаAfter dinner Mother cleared the table and I washed up.
catch forty winks
немного поспатьWanda was very tired after her work in the garden, and she decided to catch forty winks.
cut one's losses
снизить, уменьшить потериTo cut their losses they should sell the old machinery as soon as possible.
call up (someone)
позвонить (кому-либо)"Don't call me up at seven; I'll be having an English lesson at that time."
catch on
понять что-либо, разобратьсяI was trying to convince Nelly to be reasonable, but she wouldn't catch on.
carry the day
завоевать полную поддержкуMark's proposal carried the day and everyone supported him with enthusiasm.
come to a dead end
зайти/ заехать в тупикThe mountain road was treacherous, but they went on driving until they came to a dead end.
come off
пройти успешно (о каком-либо мероприятии)The elections came off without a hitch.
cross one's fingers
скрещивать пальцы в надежде на везениеJenny crossed her fingers that she would get a promotion.
clip (someone's) wings
ограничивать или сдерживать кого-либо, "подрезать крылья"The company decided to clip the manager's wings and took away his expense account.
cut out (something)
перестать делать что-либо, устранятьMy friend was teasing me and I asked her to cut it out.
come back (into fashion)
снова войти в модуOld dresses, as if from my Granny's trunk, have recently come back into fashion.
come to blows
дойти до драки, прийти в столкновениеThe two friends nearly came to blows when they were trying to fix the computer.
come true
сбываться, осуществляться, претворяться в жизнь"Happy birthday to you! May all your dreams come true!"
call a meeting
созвать собраниеA meeting should be called to discuss a few important issues.
cut one's (own) throat
сделать что-либо во вред себе, перерезать себе горло"If you quit your job, you'll cut your own throat."