Идиомы на букву C

  • cast an eye over (something)
    быстро прочесть или просмотреть что-либо
    Sam cast an eye over the letter he had received.
  • caveat emptor
    принцип торговли, заключающийся в том, что покупатель несёт ответственность за проверку качества приобретаемого товара
    Caveat emptor is a good conception to remember when you are buying secondhand goods.
  • cow college
    сельскохозяйственный колледж
    My mother wants me to go to a cow college, but I'd rather enter a medical school.
  • crazy about (someone)
    быть без ума от кого-либо/ чего-либо
    Cora's boyfriend said he was crazy about her.
  • come home to (someone)
    дойти до кого-то, стать очевидным
    It suddenly came home to me that he had left the town and I would never see him again.
  • call on (someone)
    зайти к кому-то
    "Do you mind if I call on you tonight?"
  • crocodile tears
    ненатуральное горе "крокодиловы слёзы"
    William shed crocodile tears, but nobody believed him.
  • close at hand
    имеющийся под рукой, близко
    There were no shops close at hand, and I had to go downtown to do the shopping.
  • cook (someone's) goose
    подпортить, погубить свою репутацию
    Pat cooked her goose, and now she has no opportunity of getting good education.
  • carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders
    нести все (все проблемы мира) на своих плечах
    Mary seems to be burdened by all the problems of the world as if she were carrying the weight of it on her shoulders.
  • cut back on (something)
    уменьшить количество чего-либо, сократить
    They had to cut back on the amount of money for medication.
  • cold turkey
    резкое прекращение употребления наркотиков
    Collin must have stopped using drugs cold turkey because he looks very sick.
  • change hands
    перейти из рук в руки
    The small cafe has changed hands many times since it was opened two years ago.
  • chew the fat
    болтать, чесать язык
    The women sitting on a bench in the park were chewing the fat.
  • close to home
    быть близким, понятным (о личных переживаниях, желаниях, интересах)
    The President's words about the future plans struck close to home and the people became very excited.
  • can't see beyond the end of one's nose
    не видеть дальше своего носа
    Gina had no idea about what was happening around her; she could not see beyond the end of her nose.
  • come to one's senses
    образумиться, взяться за ум, прийти в себя
    "I want you to stop fooling around and come to your senses."
  • come out of left field
    (быть) совершенно неожиданным
    Her decision to immigrate to Canada came out of left field.
  • cheapskate
    Ron is a regular cheapskate; he hates spending money on books.
  • collect one's wits
    собраться с мыслями
    I had to collect my wits after the strange story Jami told me.
  • can of worms
    сложная ситуация или проблема
    "You might open up a can of worms if you insist on knowing the truth."
  • cream of the crop
    самые лучшие, сливки общества
    "Stop looking for the cream of the crop; it's not always possible to get the best."
  • count one's chickens before they're hatched
    делать преждевременные выводы, "цыплят по осени считают"
    "You'd better not count your chickens before they're hatched. After all you haven't got that job yet."
  • call it quits
    закончить, прекратить
    We've been discussing the problem long enough; let's call it quits.
  • come to the point
    говорить по существу, переходить к делу
    "I know something about your troubles, so don't beat about the bush, come to the point at once."
  • cry/shed crocodile tears
    лить крокодиловы слёзы
    When William complained about his problems, he shed crocodile tears, but nobody believed him.
  • come across (someone or something)
    (случайно) встретить кого-либо, случайно найти, обнаружить что-либо
    She came across this story in an old book.
  • cross one's heart and hope to die
    клясться, что это правда, "не сойти мне с этого места"
    "I can swear that everything I say is true. I can cross my heart and hope to die."
  • catch (someone) with their pants down
    застать кого-либо врасплох или за неподходящим занятием
    The boy was caught with his pants down when he tried to take his father's wallet.
  • come face to face with (someone or something)
    столкнуться лицом к лицу с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    At the airport I suddenly came face to face with a famous pop singer.
  • cash-and-carry
    оплата покупки наличными
    In a cash-and-carry store goods are usually sold at lower prices.
  • carrot and stick
    жёсткая политика, "политика кнута и пряника"
    The idea of a carrot-and-stick approach to the strikers is all wrong.
  • come to a head
    созреть, достичь высшей точки
    The problem came to a head and we were forced to talk about the issue.
  • cut to the chase
    добраться до сути дела
    I need the information badly so that I can cut to the chase.
  • close call/shave
    почти неизбежная гибель, критический момент "на волосок от смерти"
    Jess had a close shave last night when a car nearly ran her over.