Идиомы на букву C
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crack a book
открывать книгу (для занятий, уроков)Jim should have cracked a book long before the end of term.
crack a joke
рассказывать шутку"I know a lot of jokes. Would you like me to crack one?"
crack a smile
расплыться в улыбкеOn seeing me Joshua cracked a smile.
crack down on (someone or something)
принудить кого-либо строго исполнять правила или законThere was an increase in accidents on the road and the police decided to crack down on speeding cars.
crack of dawn
рассвет, ранее утроThey left the town at the crack of dawn.
crack the whip
заставить усердно работать с помощью угроз "погонять палкой"We were going to crack the whip so that to get the job finished in time."
crack up
разразиться смехом, рассмеятьсяThe film was so hilarious that I couldn't help cracking up.