Идиомы на букву C

  • consecutive sentences
    приговор по нескольким статьям
    The criminal was given three consecutive sentences for assault, burglary and rape.
  • crying shame
    очень неблагоприятное положение, ситуация
    It is a crying shame that the lecture on Modern Art has been cancelled.
  • cast around/about for (someone or something)
    искать кого-либо/ чего-либо
    I have been casting around for my new watch for a long time; I still can't find it.
  • caught unaware
    быть не готовым к чему-либо, удивиться
    When William proposed marriage, Emma was caught unaware; she didn't expect it.
  • come to do/feel (something)
    узнать/ почувствовать что-либо
    At first sight the girl was frivolous, but when I came to know her better, I changed my opinion.
  • cool off/down
    остыть, остудить гнев
    Aspen finally cooled down and said he was sorry because of his outburst.
  • creeps
    сильное чувство страха или отвращения
    I know some people eat frog, but the very sight of it gives me the creeps.
  • chips are down
    время больших трудностей, препятствий
    If chips are down, it means you are facing the greatest obstacles and difficulties.
  • card up one's sleeve
    припасти что-либо (план, аргумент), чтобы воспользоваться в дальнейшем
    John says he has a card up his sleeve, but I am not sure he'll be able to help us.
  • clip joint
    сомнительное предприятие (где обманывают людей)
    "Don't go to this clip joint; you might be cheated there."
  • crackpot
    чудак, эксцентричный человек
    Alva is a real crackpot; his ideas do not make sense to anybody.
  • creep up on (someone or something)
    подкрадываться к кому-либо/ чему-либо
    "How you startled me! Why did you creep up on me?"
  • chance (something)
    Nora did not want to chance riding her bike on a mountainous road.
  • crank (something) out
    сделать что-либо
    David was able to crank out a few essays before the end of the year.
  • cop out
    увиливать от запланированной работы
    Julia copped out from our intention to read for the exams together.
  • chew out (someone)
    бранить, ругать кого-либо
    The dean is chewing out the students who have missed a lot of classes.
  • conk out
    вырубиться (очень быстро заснуть)
    I got so tired that when I came home, I conked out on the sofa in front of the TV.
  • chalk up (something)
    записывать что-либо, регистрировать
    They chalked up the results of the baseball game.
  • contradiction in terms
    заявление, содержащее противоречие, расхождение
    I don't believe your statement; it has a contradiction in terms.
  • create an uproar
    устраивать беспорядки, поднять шум
    The judge created an uproar when he demanded that those present should leave the court room.
  • crying need for (someone or something)
    отчаянно нуждаться в ком-либо/ чём-либо
    There was a crying need for skilled workers an the local chemical plant.
  • choke (something) off
    заставить отказаться от чего-либо, пресечь
    The police was able to choke off the flow of drugs into the country.
  • credit to (someone or something)
    быть честью и славой для кого-либо или чего-либо
    The Math teacher was a credit to the school where he worked.
  • come to nothing/naught
    окончиться ничем, свестись к нулю, не иметь никакого успеха
    All his schemes have come to nothing.
  • create a stink
    поднимать шум, устраивать скандал
    "Don't take your father's car without his permission; he will create a stink when he learns about it."
  • cue (someone) in
    информировать кого-либо о том, что происходит
    I don't know what is going on, so I would like someone to cue me in on what is happening.
  • course of action
    ход дела, порядок, направление
    The three men decided on their course of action before they set out on a boat trip.
  • contrary to (something)
    не смотря на что-либо
    Contrary to what he promised he had no desire to interfere.