Идиомы на букву C
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cut across
идти напрямуюWhen I was cutting across the field, an angry bull came running to me.
cast in the same mold
быть очень похожими (как бы отлитыми в одной форме)The twins Rick and Ron were cast in the same mold, so similar they were.
control (someone) with an iron fist
строго контролировать кого-либоThe teacher controlled the students with an iron fist.
can't do anything with (someone or something)
ничего нельзя поделать (с кем-либо/ чем-либо)I can't do anything with my new dress; it's is completely ruined.
crash and burn
провалиться с трескомIn spite of various special effects the performance crashed and burned.
curl up and die
лечь и умереть (выражение отчаяния, разочарования)I wanted to curl up and die when I heard about my old boyfriend marriage.
cross-examine (someone)
подвергать перекрёстному допросуThe lawyer cross-examined the principal witnesses for the prosecution Janet Mackenzi, maid to the dead woman.
coast is clear
отсутствие опасности, "берег чист""I'll join you only if the coast is clear."
count on (someone or something)
рассчитывать на кого-либо/ что-либо"If you need help, you can count on me."
commit (something) to memory
запомнить что-либоThe names were difficult and I tried hard to commit them to memory.
commercial law
торговое правоAfter I graduate the university I would like to practice in commercial law.
come/go away empty-handed
прийти (уйти) с пустыми рукамиI wanted to buy an English-English dictionary but went away empty -handed.
company town
город, в котором преобладает один вид промышленности или одна компанияTampa used to be a company town; now it has a lot of industries.
Chartered Accountant - дипломированный бухгалтер-экспертThey decided to employ a CA in order to get their taxes done on time.
cut both/two ways
поддерживать обе стороны в споре, "и нашим, и вашим"I don't think much of your argument as it cuts both ways.
cave in to (someone or something)
уступать кому-либо \ чему-либо, отступать, сдаватьсяMy mother caved in to my request for more pocket money.
crack down on (someone or something)
принудить кого-либо строго исполнять правила или законThere was an increase in accidents on the road and the police decided to crack down on speeding cars.
company man
преданный компании работникMr. Right is a company man, and he usually puts in an extra effort for his company.
catch (someone) napping
застать кого-либо спящим; обнаружить, что кто-либо не готов к чему-либоThe thieves caught the security guard napping and got into the building unnoticed.
citizen's arrest
арест без ордераThe shopkeeper made a citizen's arrest of a shoplifter.
cross out (something)
вычеркнуть что-либоSomebody crossed out Jenny's name from the list of the day-trippers.
comparative negligence
неосторожность, халатность обеих сторон, преступная оплошностьThe traffic police determined that it was a case of comparative negligence for both the drivers and they both were responsible for the damage of their cars.
carry a lot of weight with (someone or something)
иметь большое влияние (вес) на кого-либо/ чего-либоNorman Brown is very influential; his proposals carry a lot of weight with his colleagues.
common property
общая собственность (жителей)Parks in London are common property and anyone can use them.
cover one's tracks
скрывать свои действия, "заметать следы""Don't try to cover your tracks. I know where you've been."
cry bloody murder
громко звать на помощь "орать, как потерпевший""What has happened to you? Why are you crying bloody murder?"
cancel (something) out
свести на нет, нейтрализоватьIf you eat too much chocolate, it will cancel out the benefits of your jogging.
cry out for (someone or something)
очень нуждаться в ком-либо/ чём-либоThe old house cries out for a new roof.
carry over figures/numbers/costs
перенести цифры, числа, стоимость из одной графы в другуюBecause of the financial problems they had to carry over last year's costs to this year.
civil action
(подать) гражданский искMs. Brownbread took civil action over her complaint about her neighbors' trespassing.
clear up (something)
разъяснить, выяснить что-либоIf there is any misunderstanding, we may be able to clear it up.
cast a (critical/professional) eye over (someone or something)
бросить критический взгляд на кого-либо \ что-либоThe art critic cast a critical eye over the pictures of a young gifted artist.
Central Intelligence Agency - Центральное разведывательное управлениеThe CIA, the USA Central Intelligence Agency, is a spy and security organization.
come clean (with someone/about something)
признаться в чём-либо, быть честным с кем-либо относительно чего-либоI decided to come clean with my friend about using his computer without his permission.
con (someone) out of (something)
выманить у кого-либо деньги или что-либо ценноеThe gipsy outside the station tried to con me out of some money.