Идиомы на тему Body
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crick in one's back/neck
болезненный спазм шеи или спиныEvidently I caught a cold for I woke up this morning with a terrible crick in my back.
curdle (someone's) blood
испугать кого-либо, заставить оцепенеть от страхаThe sight of the dead body curdled my blood.
cut a fine figure
нарядиться и хорошо выглядетьAlec cut a fine figure when he went to the job interview last week.
cut/pare (something) to the bone
урезать что-либо до минимумаThe president said it was necessary to cut all the expenses to the bone if they wanted to save the company.
cut/slit one's (own) throat
самому себе доставить неприятности, перерезать себе горло"If you don't pay mortgage on the house in time, you'll cut your own throat."
dead from the neck up
глуп, как пробкаMiss Rivers is a blonde and is supposed to be dead from the neck up.
difficult to stomach (someone or something)
трудно согласиться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, принять, переваритьIt is difficult to stomach complaints some people make about their work conditions.
Don't hold your breath.
Не жди напрасно."Don't hold your breath," Wanda said when Steve had proposed marriage.
down to the bone
полностью, до самого корня \ до костейThe weather was very frosty, and it chilled me right down to the bone.
draw blood
ранить до кровиThe fencers are not supposed to draw blood during the competition or while exercising.
drop/dump (something) in (someone's) lap
навязать что-либо кому-либоI didn't expect my boss to dump so much work in my lap that day.
eyes are bigger than one's stomach
взять больше еды, чем сможешь съесть; одни глаза не сыты"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. You've eaten much food as it is."
fall/drop into one's lap
нежданная удачаThe chance to go on a trip to Baltimore dropped into my lap quite suddenly.
feel (something) in one's bones
интуитивно чувствовать что-либоJacob felt it in his bones that he was not going to get the job that he wanted.
flex one's muscles
пытаться показать свою властьThe apartment manager was flexing his muscles when he threatened to raise the rent.
get (someone's) back up
рассердить кого-либоI did not intend to get my friend's back up when I asked her if I could borrow her laptop.
get (something) off one's chest
рассказать о том, что беспокоит; облегчить душу"Tell me what's worrying you. Get it off your chest."
get (something) out of one's system
избавиться от желания что-либо делать"I want you to get gossiping out of your system."
get off (someone's) back
оставить в покое, не беспокоить кого-либо"Do me a favor and get off my back!"
get on (someone's) nerves
раздражать, действовать (кому-либо) на нервы"You are playing very loud music; it is getting on my nerves."
get the cold shoulder (from someone)
быть холодно принятым или отвергнутым кем-либоWilliam got the cold shoulder when he visited his relatives in California.
get under (someone's) skin
надоедать или расстраивать кого-либоLora is a bit of a busybody and it gets under my skin.
get/have a frog in one's throat
болезненное ощущение в горле (из-за простуды) поэтому трудно говоритьJane has got such a terrible frog in her throat that she cannot say a word.
get/have a lump in one's throat
почувствовать комок в горле (от волнения)While watching the film "Stepmother" I got a lump in my throat.
gird up one's loins
собраться с силами (для выполнения трудной работы)Sara got ready to gird up her loins and begin to read for her Math exam.
give (someone) the cold shoulder
игнорировать кого-либо, оказать кому-либо холодный приёмThose who knew everything about him gave him the cold shoulder.
give (someone) the shirt off one's back
быть очень щедрым, быть готовым отдать последнееMr. Hobson seemed to be very generous ready to give you the shirt off his back.
go for the jugular
напасть на кого-либо с целью причинить наибольший вред (нанести удар в шею, где проходит ярёмная вена)Aram had been waiting for so long to attack his enemy; now it was time he went for the jugular.
go/be belly up
разориться, обанкротитьсяWilliam was afraid lest his small book store should go belly-up.
grab (someone) by the throat
что-либо, что возбуждает чувства (интерес, волнение, страх)The performance grabbed me by the throat; the acting was so exciting.
grate on (someone's) nerves
действовать кому-либо на нервыMy neighbor is constantly having wild parties, and it is beginning to grate on my nerves.
gut feeling/reaction/response
интуитивное чувство, предчувствие, реакцияWhen Swan entered the room, he had a gut feeling that he was being watched.
hard to stomach (someone or something)
трудно вытерпеть (кого-либо \ что-либо)I find some of my colleagues and their attitude to work hard to stomach.
hardly have time to breathe
быть очень занятымThey hardly had time to breathe while they were preparing to move to a new house.
hate (someone's) guts
чувствовать очень сильную антипатию к кому-либоAndy and Patrick have been at each other's throats and have hated each other's guts for years.