Идиомы на тему Body
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get under (someone's) skin
надоедать или расстраивать кого-либоLora is a bit of a busybody and it gets under my skin.
jump out of one's skin
вздрогнуть, подскочить (от испуга, неожиданности)When Nancy heard moans and groans coming from the basement, she jumped out of her skin.
skin and bones
кожа да кости, очень худойCecily has been keeping to a slimming diet for a long time, and now she is all skin and bones.
поверхностный, не глубокийEric seems to be knowledgeable, but I am sure his knowledge is skin-deep.
soaked to the skin
промокнуть до ниткиThe children had been walking in the rain for two hours and were soaked to the skin.
толстокожий, не чувствительныйIt's good to be thick-skinned; then you are not easily hurt or upset.
тонкокожий, чувствительныйAlan is so thin-skinned that even an innocent remark might hurt him.