Идиомы на букву T
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take a turn for the worse
становиться хужеThe patient seemed to be recovering, but all of a sudden he took a turn for the worse.
to mean to (do something)
намереваться делать что-либо"I meant to have shown you the attractions of the town; I am sorry I couldn't do it."
to be hopeless at (doing something)
неумеющий делать что-либо хорошоI am hopeless at repairing electric appliances.
thin on top
лысетьFranklin had a massive chin, puffy cheeks, small beady eyes, and he was a bit thin on top.
thumb a lift/ride
путешествовать бесплатно на попутных машинахMartin and Jimmy, who were hitch-hiking, thumbed a lift to the nearest town.
talk (someone's) ear off
замучить кого-либо разговорамиThe woman sitting beside me in the compartment talked my ear off.
twist (someone's) arm
силой заставлять кого-либо (делать что-либо)I often have to twist my son's arm to make him eat properly.
take (someone) up on (something)
ухватиться за чьё-либо предложение сделать что-либоJami took me up on my suggestion to go on a picnic on the weekend.
turn on (someone)
напуститься на кого-либоJack turned on his brother, who he thought had deceived him.
take (something) in stride
относиться спокойно к чему-либоWilloughby took the praise in his stride.
take notice of (something)
замечать, обращать внимание на что-либоI took notice of the car standing in my drive way and wondered whose car it might be.
toe the line
подчиняться, слушатьсяThe new teacher is strict and she will make the students toe the line.
two can play that game
ответить тем же, отплатить той же монетойCora offended me; I told her that two can play that game, but actually I am not going to do the same to her.
take over (something)
брать что-либо под контроль, под ответственность или принимать во владениеThe government is going to take over the mining industry of the country.
think inside the box
мыслить традиционноMost people think inside the box and only a few are able to have new ideas.
take (someone or something) in hand
взять в свои руки, пытаться контролировать кого-либо \ что-либоWhen disorders began, the police quickly took the situation in hand.
there are plenty of other fish in the sea
есть и другой выбор, другие людиMy friend refused to go to the movies with me; I was not upset because I know there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
take (something) on the chin
испытать, терпеливо вынести что-либоJeremy took his failure on the chin.
take it into one's head to do (something)
взбрести кому-либо в головуWhy did you take it into your head to invite Elvis to the party? He is such a wet blanket.
turn (something) on its head
поставить с ног на голову, придать чему-либо противоположное значениеThe judge accused the lawyer of turning the statement on its head.
take out (someone)
пригласить на свидание, повести (в кино, в театр и т.д.)I like Sally, but I have no chance of taking her out.
throw good money after bad
тратить деньги впустую, упорствовать в безнадёжном делеThey closed the mine because they couldn't afford to throw good money after bad.
take (someone) by surprise
застать врасплох, сильно удивить кого-либоThe sudden departure of Fiona took her relatives by surprise.
to be onto (someone or something)
обнаружить правду о ком-либо \ чём-либоMy neighbor was onto my dog that was digging in his garden.
take a crack at (something)
пытаться сделать что-либоI would like to become a journalist and I will take a crack at writing my first newspaper article.
take a shine to (someone)
понравиться кому-либоThe girl took a shine to her new next door neighbor.
two-time (someone)
изменять кому-либо (супруге или супругу, партнёру)Silvia was very upset when she discovered that Tim was two-timing her.
to the bone
до основания, насквозь, до костейI am afraid I have worked my fingers to the bone.
take up (something)
начать заниматься чем-либо (спортом или каким-либо делом)Ralf didn't take up golf until he was fifty.
take turns
делать что-либо по очереди (с другими)The majority of people in our office prefer to take their holidays in summer, so we have to take turns.
take (something) to heart
принимать что-либо близко к сердцуPoor little Jennet! She took things awfully to heart.
to show good faith
продемонстрировать, проявить добрую волюMy neighbor showed good faith when she promised to help me in the garden.
take it easy
расслабляться, отдыхатьThey had been working hard to finish the project and when it was over, they decided to take it easy for a week.
throw (someone) to the lions
взвалить ответственность за провал на кого-либо; "сделать кого-либо козлом отпущения"The company was about to go bankrupt. It was decided to throw the financial director to the lions, which was absolutely unfair.
taste blood
быть в состоянии причинить вред (своему врагу)Jimmy could taste blood when he discovered the weak points of the man whom he detested.