Идиомы на букву T
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touch and go
критическое или опасное положениеAt one time while we were climbing the cliff, it was touch and go whether we could do it.
touch base with someone
встретиться с кем-либо и поговорить накороткеThey were ready to make a decision, but first they decided to touch base with the financial manager.
touch off
стать причиной (взрыва), воспламенить что-либоThe boy touched off a firecracker.
touch off (someone)
задеть кого-либо, разозлитьSomeone or something must have touched Jack off for he dashed out of the room like mad.
touch off (something)
вызвать (беспорядки)The arrest of the men's leaders touched off a disturbance in the area.
touch up
подправить что-либоThe woodwork is done, but there are a few places I have to touch up.
touch up (something)
ретушировать, отделыватьThe photograph looks as if it had been touched up.