Идиомы на букву T

  • too big for one's britches/boots
    самонадеянный, самодовольный (человек)
    When the teacher made Peter a monitor, he got too big for his boots and she had to warn him.
  • tamper with (something)
    неумело пытаться сделать что-либо
    Someone has tampered with the seal of this letter.
  • to be running high
    быть в состоянии волнения или гнева
    Feelings about the riot in front of the City Hall are running high and the local authorities must stop the unrest.
  • to be hyped-up
    взбудораженный, возбуждённый
    The little girl was hyped up all day because her sister and she were going to the circus in the evening.
  • to the full
    в полной мере, сполна
    We went to Japan for our holiday and enjoyed our trip to the full.
  • trade in (something)
    отдавать старую вещь в счёт покупки новой
    I decided to trade in my out-dated computer for a modern one.
  • to be reminiscent of (someone or something)
    напоминающий кого-либо \ что-либо
    The music, which I heard on the radio, is reminiscent of the songs popular in the sixties.
  • trial balloon
    пробный шар
    The editorial was a trial balloon to test the public's opinion on several important issues.
  • trot (something) out
    упомянуть что-либо вскользь
    I know Tim has trotted out some information, but I don't remember what it was about.
  • to be sick in bed
    болеть и лежать в постели
    My little son had caught cold and was sick in bed for a few days.
  • thrust and parry
    словесная перепалка
    The meeting looked more like thrust and parry debate than a real session.
  • tone (something) down
    сделать что-либо менее насыщенным, смягчить что-либо
    The artist toned down the cruder colors on his painting.
  • thrill (someone) to pieces/death
    быть чрезвычайно довольным кем-либо
    It thrilled Julia to death when the teacher praised her essay.
  • tenterhooks
    мучиться неизвестностью, ожидать или опасаться чего-либо (неприятного)
    I was on tenterhooks lest Tim should tell my parents about my problems at school.
  • tar and feather (someone)
    строго наказать кого-либо (вымазать дёгтем и обвалять в перьях)
    The owner of the cottage threatened that he would tar and feather anyone who broke into his house.
  • to speak of
    (что-либо) важное, о чём стоит говорить
    Fanny fell from her bike, but her injuries were nothing to speak of; just a few scratches.
  • to the hilt
    The man's guilt was proved to the hilt.
  • to (someone's) liking
    на чей-либо вкус, по нраву
    I bought a nice dress which is exactly to my liking.
  • trials and tribulations
    тяжёлые испытания
    Mrs. Small's life has always been full of trials and tribulations.
  • touch on/upon (something)
    говорить о чем-либо, затронуть (тему); писать что-либо кратко
    The speaker touched upon several important issues.
  • to hook up (something)
    подключить что-либо
    "Could you possibly hook up my computer; I don't think I can do it myself."
  • to a great/large extent
    главным образом, в значительной степени
    The flight was delayed to a great extent due to the fog.
  • turn out all right/good
    закончиться хорошо
    At first they thought that their offer would not be accepted but it turned out all right.
  • taper off
    утихать, становиться меньше
    The storm didn't taper off for several days.
  • train one's sights on (something)
    стремиться к какой-либо цели
    Mitch has been training his sights on joining the top hokey team in the country.
  • think a lot/great deal/highly/much of (someone or something)
    быть высокого мнения о ком-либо, ценить что-либо
    I don't think much of this pop singer.
  • to the eye
    на первый взгляд, по-видимому
    Those jeans appear to the eye to be a good buy, but they might turn out to be not so good.
  • tire (someone) out
    утомить кого-либо, измучить
    The long walk tired me out.
  • tired out
    быть очень уставшим
    My father looked tired out after working hard all day.
  • through the mill
    переживать трудную ситуацию
    Pauline has been through the mill because of her untimely husband's death.
  • thrash (something) out
    тщательно обсуждать что-либо, прорабатывать
    "You may have a few meetings of your own with him to thrash some of the details out."
  • to be talked out
    устать от разговоров
    I was talked out, so Mike did most of the speaking at the session.
  • to say nothing of (someone or something)
    не говоря уж о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    To go hiking they took some provision and drinking water to say nothing of the sleeping bags.
  • to the contrary
    нечто обратное, противоположное (тому, что было сказано ранее)
    Although Joan was going to the movies with her boy friend, she told her parents to the contrary.
  • to hush up
    замалчивать, скрывать
    All this quarreling should immediately be hushed up.