Идиомы на букву T

  • thank one's lucky stars
    благодарить судьбу, благодарить свою счастливую звезду
    John thanked his lucky stars that he had escaped with minor injuries.
  • two bits
    25 центов
    A haircut only cost two bits when Grandfather was young.
  • try out for (something)
    пытаться принять участие в чём-либо (в игре)
    Tom tried out for his university basketball team.
  • tie up (traffic)
    ограничить движение транспорта
    The crash of two cars tied up the traffic downtown.
  • tune in
    настраиваться (на что-либо)
    Greg is not very well tuned in to his surroundings.
  • think out (something)
    продумать что-либо до конца
    I carefully thought out what I was going to say to my boss.
  • take on the look/appearance of (something)
    начать походить на что-либо
    The puppies have gradually begun to take on the look of grown-up dogs.
  • tear up (someone)
    причинять много горя
    The boy isn't doing well at school, and it is tearing up his mother.
  • tie up (something)
    ограничить условиями (переход имущества или денег по наследству)
    The father tied up the money in his daughter's marriage settlement.
  • try out (something)
    испытывать что-либо
    I intend to try out several makes of cars before making a final choice.
  • tear into (someone or something)
    ругать, набрасываться на кого-либо \ что-либо
    The woman tore into her husband for having bought an expensive car.
  • trip up (someone)
    заставить кого-либо сделать ошибку или быть причиной неудачи
    The test contained tricky questions to trip up those students who were not attentive enough.
  • tie up (someone)
    занять чьё-либо время (полностью)
    I am afraid that the meeting will tie me up until noon.
  • tie down (someone or something)
    обязать выполнять условия, связывать, привязывать
    The baby naturally tied Rita down, and she was not so active socially as before.
  • ten-four
    вас понял
    I called my friend to tell him that I would be waiting for him outside the movie theater and he said, "Ten-four."
  • touch up
    подправить что-либо
    The woodwork is done, but there are a few places I have to touch up.
  • travesty of justice
    искажение, пародия на систему правосудия
    I regard court martial to be a travesty of justice.
  • tickle (someone's) fancy
    понравиться кому-либо, возбудить интерес
    I was too tired that day and going out did not tickle my fancy.
  • tear down (something)
    разрушать что-либо, сносить
    Across the river I saw the walls of old houses that were being torn down.
  • turnover
    товарооборот, текучесть
    The turnover of summer clothes is at its peak this season.
  • tell (someone) a thing or two
    сказать кому-либо кое-что (неприятное)
    My cousin took my laptop without my permission and I am going to tell her a thing or two.
  • tie in (something) with (something)
    связывать что-либо с чем-либо
    The detectives tied in the fingerprints on the man's gun with those found on the safe.
  • try (someone's) patience
    испытывать чьё-либо терпение
    Nora's naughty children are constantly trying her patience.
  • thanks to (someone or something)
    благодаря кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Thanks to his talent as a painter he soon became quite popular.
  • tie up (a boat)
    привязать (лодку), поставить на прикол
    They tied up their yacht at the pier when the storm was brewing.
  • tip (someone) off
    намекать или информировать кого-либо
    The thieves did not rob the bank because someone tipped them off that it was being watched by the police.
  • treat (someone)
    угощать кого-либо, платить за угощение
    I treated Evelyn to a nice pizza in a pizza hut downtown.
  • tight squeeze
    трудная финансовая ситуация
    The Browns aren't going on a holiday this year; they are in a tight squeeze.
  • toss one's cookies
    вырвать, извергнуть рвотные массы
    The dog ate something bad and tossed his cookies at once.
  • think (someone or something) fit for (something)
    считать кого-либо \ что-либо подходящим для чего-либо
    I don't think Sally to be fit for the work of a teacher; she is too impatient.
  • to hell and gone
    очень запущенная ситуация, хуже некуда
    My state of affairs was already to hell and gone when my friend offered his help.
  • tie up with (someone or something)
    вступить в сотрудничество с кем-либо \ чем-либо
    Their company has tied up with another firm to support the art festival.
  • tear up (something)
    разорвать на клочки, изодрать что-либо
    Cathy tore up the letter, went to the fireplace and threw the pieces into the fire.
  • tough row to hoe
    браться за трудную задачу
    Learning to skate seems to be a tough row to hoe for Linda.
  • take a shower/bath
    принимать душ, ванну
    Edna took a hot bath as soon as she got home.